Outdoors Show 10k (NEC)

Entrants (7)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Kenilworth Runners
39:52 39:52 40:45 40:17 65.54
40:18 40:18 40:30 40:18 65.89
40:49 41:35 42:28 67.68
Sleaford Town Runners, Toonie Express
58:30 1:00:28 1:00:00 1:00:48 58.01
Duke of Drayton Bit of a change for this one making my goal to take it steady and not to screw up my already dodgy knee looking at 50+ mins.  Went a bit faster than I thought, a different run: multi laps around the back of the NEC and along part of the lake.  Not inspiring scenery but well organised and pretty flat good value with the goodies and entry to the show.
Cambridge & Coleridge AC
39:22 45:18 52:00 47:12 57.63
Pinchi First race since October - won't be race pace, taking it very easy to start and then see how it goes. I think I'm over my injuries but let's see!!

In the end better than I thought but frustrating to see a
Wolverhampton & Bilston AC, Midland Masters A C
36:43 38:29 55:00 46:58 59.73

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