Nestle Girvan 3 Mile Race

Sun September 30 2007
Listed by daviec
Entrants (1)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
daviec Decided to do this race at the last minute as it was 2 minutes from my house, and watching the super sprint triathlon and then the GNR on TV this morning made me want to gety out and do something.

Most of the race was along the shorefront into the wind and was tough going. I ran with the lad in second place for a bit but he put a kick in when he found me sitting in behind him getting a bit of protection from the wind. I didn't want to go off at that pace, so I stayed as I was. There was plenty distance between myself and the runners behind so I just watched my garmin for my pacing.

First mile mostly into the wind - 6.04, 2nd mile half into/half with the wind - 6.24, 3rd mile mostly with the wind - 6.15.

My best ever race, well chuffed. And to make it evcen better my 8 year old son finished in 23.00 and took 11th place overall and 2nd in his age group (under 10)!! Great day.
Carnegie Harriers
18:42 18:42 18:50 18:42 66.33

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