Merrill & Shelton Striders 10k

Listed by Pricey
Entrants (6)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Lethargic Good race, good course. Came thru to finish 3rd overall race splits 16.21   & 16.41, slowed no big kick at the end at started quick.
Worked the night before, hard work and struggled, top race.
Long Eaton Running Club
32:13 33:02 33:02 80.98
Long Eaton Running Club
41:01 42:29 42:29 70.20
Pricey A PB was always going to be a tough ask really. Legs a bit fatigued from current training load. A few seconds quicker than last year though, a good sprint finish and 4th place. A good training run anyway.
32:33 33:06 33:25 79.00
45:30 48:21 48:21 56.26
Salty Dog
35:44 41:04 43:51 60.21
SPKoF Bit of a shocker really. Very dissappointed to see that 39:xx as I turned into the finishing straight considering the level of pain I was in. All day on my feet the day before a + the bottle of wine the night before must of had an effect.

Excellent marshalling and organisiation. T-Shirt terrible. I mean - bright orange with tacky printing. They must have cost a lot with multicolor printing so it's a shame it's going straight to the charity shop.

The course wasn't exactly exciting either and it wasnt as fast as I'd been told - exposed and twisty.
Long Eaton Running Club
38:19 38:33 39:11 68.27

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