Leics & Rutland County XC Champs- Women

Sat January 10 2009
Listed by LambChop
Entrants (3)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
LambChop First XC race and came plum last! That said pleased with the time considering the course was long.
Hermitage Harriers RC
42:39 42:39 42:39 41.65
Scouse Bird I have put this time down, as I am told it is a slower run/race than road, quite obvious really. So you can have a fluter if you like, I would hope to do it in 40 minutes, my time off road is 30 or just under so, you go with what you know about X country racing!!!! Good luck and if you bet on me I hope you win ! x x x
Also it was not 3.73 as I had my garmin on and the course I ran myself/covered was 4.15 miles! so my time kinda seems a little better when I go off my garmin! Pheweeeee x x x
Fleckney and Kibworth Running Club
41:15 41:15 40:00 41:15 42.91
DrDebs Depends on conditions/terrain.  Not feeling wonderful but going to GO FOR IT!!!!!...urm....long course!!  4.23 miles!!!!  sorry to anyone that made a bet on me!!!!
Exeter Harriers
27:28 27:28 23:30 27:28 64.49

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