Kings Langley 10k

Sun May 18 2008
Listed by BigChiefRunningBore
Entrants (5)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Watford Joggers
42:08 44:36
BigChiefRunningBore Tough course mainly due to long grass and secret furrows, luckily I didn't twist my ankle. was 6th overall so am pleased given a week of hamstring problems. Got a firm hand shake and toothy grin from Sir Graham Taylor at the finish.
Watford Joggers, Fitstuff Run Club
39:52 41:09 42:00 43:08 63.52
RunGingerRun A race in my local village, hopefully the ghinger runner will get plenty of local support.
Sorry to anyone who bet on me, wasn't aware the course was multi terrain & laps. Still got a PB though!
Watford Joggers
42:59 43:49 43:55 45:25 59.90
poppysox No intention of racing this today so just used it as a tempo run.  Tough little course off road, but really friendly and low key.
Watford Joggers
42:48 42:48 47:00 45:59 64.86
Watford Joggers
46:50 46:50 48:09 56.50

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