Jack Bloor Fell Race

Listed by SimonF
Entrants (3)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
multiterrainer Despite my usual poor descending, struggling on narrow heather paths and getting stuck behind slower ascenders en route to CP1 I enjoyed that - I think!! :)
Horsforth Fellandale Club, LDWA
39:22 57:20 57:20 41.15
Northern Exile Faded a bit between miles 2 - 3
Settle Harriers, North Leeds Fell Runners
35:59 57:35 55:00 57:35 40.97
SimonF 5 Miles, 1150ft ascent. Unmarked route on Ilkley Moor between checkpoints. *** Manged to start at the same time as everone else this year. Quads hurting from Saturday early on , but felt better as the race went on. Made some lucky route choices in the last mile to steal a couple of places.
Cumberland Fell Runners, Horsforth Fellandale Club
35:00 52:39 52:00 52:39 43.38

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