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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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Huntly Standard Distance Triathlon

Sun September 23 2007
Listed by JulesR
Entrants (1)
Pred Swim Pred Bike Pred Run Swim T1 Bike T2 Run Total
JulesR Swim 1500 (pool), cycle 37k (undulating), run 10k (2 laps). In 2nd slowest lane for the swim and made it through 60 lengths in 31:15 which was better than could be expected given training, ability, style etc. Slow transition 2:04 onto bike. Bad signpost early on put me down a dead end (30 secs detour), but headed out into the countryside quite strongly overtaking faster swimmers regularly. Struggled a bit on the bike after 20k - slight rises seemed tough and wind was blowing; was often in the small ring towards the easy side and one hip and other calf said hello. Apparently a Red Kite was hovering over my cycle helmet wings extended (scenting lunch?). In off the bike 1:09:30 to T2 surprisingly in the lead over the 20 slow swim group (faster swimmers started in later heats so not that impressive). T2 1:03. Then for some reason 10k run in 44:04 WTF? This is 7 minutes outside this year's pb. Think legs may have been shot pushing the bike too hard. Punchline for the only ever time I'll be crossing the finish line 1st was the finish wasn't signposted, so I ran up to where the line 'should' have been shouting
Stirling Triathlon Club
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2:27:30 2:27:30

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