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hopetoun house cancer research 10k

Sun September 28 2008
Entrants (8)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Big Richie
51:45 55:45 56:45
biru A new course, and a bit harder than expected. Especially that evil hill at 5km! Went through first 5km in about 17:30, but suffered after the slippy vertical ascent! Nevertheless, a beautiful day and lovely scenic course. Finished in 1st place too:)
Edinburgh Athletic Club
35:11 35:53 34:59 37:32 70.37
pmethven Ouch, that was harder than I expected. There seemed to be a lot of incline and decline, and very little running on the flat. I found a lot of the downhill running was really slippery as well so I couldn't push as much as I would like. The 200 metre stupidly steep hill was a wee bit harsh too, still I guess better then than near the end... I'm just not sure how you could ever train for a hill that steep!!!
46:17 46:17 47:30 46:17 57.04
Mr. White Well, I thought this new course was tougher than last year! Really struggled today with the slipping and sliding everywhere but still a PB for the course, and all for a good cause anyway so no complaints, although the assault-course style hill at 5K was interesting!
45:55 47:11 49:00 49:08 54.44
48:02 48:02 50:00 51:40 55.68
MartyK My first race - Yay!!!  Went well and Bel reckoned I probably finished in the top 60 or so folk which I was pretty chuffed to hear seen as though there were nearly 1000 peeps taking part.  Didn't mind the gradients but would have prefered to be running on tarmac rather than mud in alot of places.
44:55 50:52 53:00 50:52 51.90
Triplet Dad Looking forward to this one, I've been told it's very picturesque, not sure about running through the grounds though, might get a bit uneven in parts.

Update - Uneven in parts was putting it mildly, I don't think I've ever run a course that was so up and down as today - the ground was treachorous in parts and with so many people crammed into such a narrow track you couldn't see any danger until you were already  in it which meant I went sliding 2 or 3 times. What a horrible hill at 5km too, I could barely walk up it never mind run up it. Great fun but no danger of a PB for me today.
Edinburgh Running Network
50:00 55:15 59:59 1:04:21 43.59
Woman-in-Black Beat my PB by about 5 mins which I set 6 months ago.  Not bad but was hoping for a better time.  Just didnt feel confident running in some of the mudier parts and fell just before the hill.
1:19:50 1:19:50 1:16:00 1:19:50 36.07

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