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Great Weston 5

Listed by dood
  • Rated 71%
  • 5mi
  • Road
Entrants (5)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
RFJ Greeetings all,

Race Reoprt - Great Weston 5m

The buzz word for the event is
29:31 33:38 33:38 64.05
dood Cold and a little blustery and damp today. Rain held off for the event and the sun even came out for a while. Started off fast with Dave and got first mile in 6:55 then slowly slowed until taken by Linda during mile 3 at approx 7:20's finishing in a not unrespectable time a new 5m PB
Silson Joggers AC
34:28 36:59 36:59 57.64
SparkyMark Fantastic event! - my first race since Thame 10k last year (10 months)!  Now over PF its getting back to fitness again.  Tired after moving house this weekend, so not the best of preperation.  Told myself, as usuall, not to go speeding off at the start.  For the first time ever I actually listened!  I think the uphill start helped with that.  Made use of the downhill sections to relax (though still pass a few people) Nothing a real problem, though the hill at the end was in the back of my mind.  

The hill itself, in the end not as bad as I thought.  Used my cycling technique of looking only a few yards in front, never looking for the top, get a rhythm and keep going.  Went like a train - well sounded like one as beathing went a bit heavy.  Said 'cheese' for the photographer (following the notice to smile for the camera :-)  Managed to catch clubmate on the line.  Great value, t-shirt, goody bag and medal.  Loved it - will be back next year for sure.
Alchester RC (Bicester)
34:17 37:01 45:00 43:09 50.57
Jigs Woo hoo! First race and outdid what I expected by some margin.

Didn't really know what to expect on arrival, but plenty of friendly marshalls to point the way. Followed the throng to the start, where I respectfully took up my place at the back ;) Even behind some of the wellwishers who were seeing people off!!
Off we went at a sedate pace up the hill, felt good, passed a few people as the road levelled out. Intended to treat the race as just another training run but with lots of people with numbers on their shirts all running my route, but it doesn't work like that!!
Went faster than I intended, but still felt strong so kept going (glad I dont run this fast in my training).

Off road section got a bit uneven and muddy in places, but nothing too drastic, was suprised how fast the mile markers came round, before I knew it, last mile was coming up, cheery well wishers
28:27 38:35 50:00 42:14 51.32
48:00 48:00 50:00 48:00 45.56

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