Exmoor Stagger

Listed by Torbay
  • Rated 78%
  • 15mi
  • Trail
Entrants (2)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
caramel 2:38 last year - Training better this year - Then twisated my knee a coup[le of weeks before - so couldn't run
North Devon RR
Yellow Fang I was a bit disappointed with myself to be honest. I don't think I really had my racing head on. The lack of recent training counted too. I started walking up the first tough hill, and took the oportunity to do what bears do in the woods. That cost me several minutes. I may have set off a bit fast as well, although it didn't feel like it. I had quite a good section up Dunkery Beacon. I ran bits and walked bits and caught quite a few people. I didn't like running down the other side. I don't like running down steep hills, especially those strewn with rocks. I started to feel pretty tired after 1:45. The was a long steep hill we had to walk up and I found it difficult to get going. At the checkpoint I felt bonked, so I took a several minutes to eat some jelly babies and bananas and drink lots. I lost quite a few places there. The rest was downhill after that.
Reading Roadrunners
2:33:12 2:33:12 2:30:00 2:33:12 45.08

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