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Emily Prosser Sprint Triathlon

Listed by smash
Entrants (1)
Pred Swim Pred Bike Pred Run Swim T1 Bike T2 Run Total
smash Got up stupidly early. Porridge and squash, checked my kit, shoved the boneshaker in the car and drove to Fairwater for the tri. Spent a while pottering about, getting number and racking bike. Was quite embarrassed at having the only really shitty bike there, everyone else had nice shiny carbon-framed speed machines. Tried desperately to see the funny side.

My swim start time was 9:15am, so I went and stood by the pool until then, and tried not to think about what was to come. Got into the pool and set off very fast, which meant that I lost all rhythm with my breathing and ended up gasping. Got it together though, and did the swim fairly quickly, although I totally lost count of the laps I’d done, and without the lap counter fella I’d still be there! I even managed to overtake someone, which was amazing. I got out of the pool panting but feeling ok. 

Ran across the car park (stones, feet, ow!) and found my bike. Put on shorts, shirt, socks shoes helmet and sunnies, and set off. The first hill was murderous, and I struggled. A lot. Legs on fire, I think I’m going to vomit, there’s no way I’m going to be able to do two laps of this. But, eventually I got to the top, and had a mile-long descent, which was fun. Through the lanes back to Fairwater had more hills that I remembered from my (one) training ride, but I got there. And then did it all again. To be fair, the second lap was a bit easier; I don’t know if I’d warmed up more by then, but it was ok, and I started to think that I might actually finish. A few people had overtaken me on the bike, but that was ok, especially as most of them said ‘well done’ as they passed me. It would have been nice if I hadn’t got stuck behind a van on the way back to transition, but it only cost me a few seconds in the end.

Dumped the bike, helmet and sunnies, and put on my cap and off I went on the run. Legs of jelly. Heard a marshall sniggering at me as I tried to keep my balance, and I found it all quite funny too. I managed to run at about 10 minute miles for the first few hundred metres, but once I got onto the uphill section this degenerated in run/walk/jog/hobble/crawl. The last mile or so was ok. Slow but ok. The last section was through a little lane, on grass, under trees, and I really enjoyed this, as I knew that it was nearly over. I came round the corner and out onto the field, where I discovered that the cheering I’d heard was for the tiny little touch rugby players. But I did get a cheer as I crossed the line. 

Overall the race was hard, but I think I’ll do it again next year. My time was 1:20:11, with 8:52 for the swim and T1 (good), 44:48 for the bike and T2 (terrible) and 26:58 for the run (ok). I came second to last, but that just gives me lots of room for improvement! Next time I'll take the mudguards off the bike and do more training. I may even train on some hills...
Pegasus RC
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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