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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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East District CC League - Broxburn

Sat November 22 2008
Listed by Boab
Entrants (10)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Baza Good run and the best conditions I've seen at the venue, only a small section where the wind caught you, but nothing worth moaning about.
Carnegie Harriers
34:54 65.67
cake muncher Placed 41st / 7th veteran.
Falkland Trail Runners
30:31 33:15 73.18
Musselburgh & District Athletic Club
41:43 54.71
Dancing Boy A touch chilly up there wasn't it
Edinburgh Athletic Club, Jogscotland - Edinburgh Run4it
32:00 72.11
HappyG(rrr) Flippin freezin! Nice one tho! Great route, tricky climbs and narrow. It wasn't 5.9 tho. 5.3 or 4 by the Garmin. Happy with my time. Should have pushed a wee bit more to try and pick up a couple more places. One runs and learns tho! ** NB - I've asked Sir Fetch to update distance to 5.4miles. Hope this OK with everyone. Otherwise WAVAs look a bit too good!! And he's done it. Gosh that fetch bloke is good!! :-) **
Harmeny AC, Kinross Road Runners
38:10 37:33 62.85
Falkirk Victoria Harriers
30:11 88.35
Lexo Very very very very cold. Thought my nose was going to drop off after the first KM. Recovering from Mid week Food Poisoning  so Ok with my time. Did well on first lap but had horrendous stitch on the second so had to slow down, last lap was torture but as Id been slacking off due to above mentioned stitch managed a dramatic sprint finish to recapure a few places  and some pride
Musselburgh & District Athletic Club
38:10 61.83
Mr. White Aaah, quality, up a hill in Broxburn on a chilly and slightly windy Saturday afternoon...in shorts...running round a course 3 times...can't beat it.
Did allright I suppose, need to raise my efforts a bit I reckon...got quicker with each lap so there is hope yet...!
41:40 55.64
NoPainNoGain 21st
Falkirk Victoria Harriers
31:37 72.99
RichyC Measured course at about 5.38m.  Could barely speak at the end, my mouth had completely frozen it was that cold!  90 secs quicker than last year but still pretty average.  Still finding cross country hard going, but at least enjoying it a bit better now.
35:16 64.72

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