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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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Dover Half Marathon

Listed by Alwyn
Entrants (5)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Alwyn I'm amazed I managed a sub 2hour run in these horrible conditions. The three pints the night before didn't help matters.
1:52:40 1:54:31 1:58:00 51.79
Hoaxster DO NOT BET ON ME.  I might not make it to the start.  If I do, and by some freakish divine intervention Mac does too, there will be a great deal of pride at stake.  I haven't done anything quicker than 9mm since October.  You have been warned. 

UPDATE: Amazed myself with something close to PB - despite much titting about.  Elderberry won't have to kill me now so that's alright then...  Lovely to meet Mr & Mrs Pit Stop Crew.  Given the fact that it was very very windy and very very wet and my knee was very very grumbly on two occasions - VERY VERY CHUFFED :)  (Deal Tri RWAK - especially the marshalls that joined in the titting about... )
1:46:24 1:52:42 2:00:00 1:55:00 50.07
Maclennane Thanks for all your betting support and to the Hoaxster for dragging me round, not to mention Pit Stop crew for his jellybabies on mile 9. Great day out, miserable weather which made all the support that much more appreciated. I will blog it when the nipper's in bed. Zippeddee doo dah. 40 min PB will never happen again.
Overton Harriers & AC, R2D2 Hash House Harriers, Whitchurch Hampshire Adventure Race
1:42:27 1:51:47 1:57:00 1:56:52 49.18
Mr Skinny
1:34:00 1:34:00 1:34:00 61.83
nearly there
Ashford and District RRC
1:29:27 1:41:34 1:45:00 1:45:38 56.01

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