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Campbell Park Canter Race 3

Sun January 20 2008
Entrants (1)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
not built for speed DNF - turned an ankle at 7.5km
Appalling race conditions - the conditions were so bad that at one point i was on my hands and knees to get up a hill. was 4 laps of a circuit (2 for 5km) so some bits got prgressively more treacherous as the race went on. Would not reccomend this to anyone that isn't a very expereinced cross country runner- is just too dangerous if you are not used to running on sludge, even people with spikes were slipping. However, some people did well, and major congrats to them. it just wasn't my kind of race
26.2 Road Runners Club
46:48 57:35

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