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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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Blairgowrie Ne'er Day Fun Run

Entrants (4)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
bedlam_g Great wee race in dds home town.  Pleased with my run put in two really good miles feeling comfortable at 5.30 and 5.35 then slowed with the pack in the 3rd but managed to overtake the Dundee Hawkhill runner near the end for 4th place.  Was never going to worry Mike Caroll or his buddies up ahead.  Apart from the Fetch mile this is my fastest ever race and first time with an average pace under 5.40.  Pos 4th/190 Mile splits 5.31, 5.35, 5.44, 4.34 (5.46 pace).  5k Split 17.26
Bellahouston Road Runners, Cumbernauld AAC, Kilmarnock Harriers & AC, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
20:31 21:24 21:24 75.96
25:32 26:19 27:29 26:19 62.63
dd Brilliant race around my old home town. Route followed the way I used to walk my dog as a teenager and took in many long forgotten sights of the town. I didn't run at all when I lived there so it was a fabulous feeling running around the town. Didn't really take time into consideration just ran how I felt and enjoyed it and practised passing people. Felt strong throughout and enjoyed the downhill sprint to the finish. Brilliant seeing Debstir (and Mr D) and Tigger & Dyslexik again and enjoyed the aftershow party ;)!
38:02 38:02 38:02 46.74
Debstir Won't know until New Year's Eve if I'm off or not (and still might get called in on NYD) so might not get to run... UPDATE: No phone call so I'll be there on the start line - only hope I make it to the finish! Got 32:04 to beat...

UPDATE No 2: And beat it I did! 29:56mins (watch time, but that was starting it when the race started). Chuffed to bits :-)
29:56 29:56 32:03 29:56 58.47

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