Big Fun Run Leicester

Listed by Nellers
Entrants (2)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
20:28 21:15 21:15 60.47
Nellers Mine is a self-timed result given that the organisers don't seem to be doing any timing or results or anything, although given it's stated aim to be a charity fun run I can't really blame them, and the event was fun. For interest about 200-250 entrants got round the course and my eldest counted me over the line in 16th place.

I'm not convinced the course was full distance, though. Mr Garmin says I did 4.88km, not 5. I know they're not 100% accurate but I'd have thought it would be closer than that. Even so I went pretty well, I think.
21:00 23:21 23:00 23:21 57.53

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