Beddington Park Fun Run

Sat October 28 2006
Entrants (2)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
RFJ Should be a PB by a long way, Fetch PB was a xc event, at 49 mins - plan to blitz that and expect around 42 mins

Well got what I expected a fetch PB - had a 2k warm up, then hung around for what seemed ages, no one knew the route or even how many laps there were till 2 mins before the start - all a case of follow the bike.....

Started near the front as was only a small field, wanted to go of easy, but never happened and rushed through the firsk K in 3:49, no major dramas and was sitting in 9th place as we came back into the park, and soon made that up to 8th, hit 2k in 4:05, that felt better, but knew it would be hard to maintain this pace, especially with some of the tight twists and turns in the park. 1 guy came flying past me at 2.5k (was the eventually winner) so I dropped back to nineth, but soon gained a place again at the close to the lap and hit 3k in 4:09, which included a nast boggy bit for about 150m.

Hit 4k in 4:05 and 5k 4:14 without losing any more places, but as I approch the end of the 2nd lap and past the 6k mark in 4:00 I am passed again to drop me into 9th, no hope of closing more down as no one else in sight, have also a large gap behind me. So as I move into the last lap the legs and all available holes are at maximum intake and output and Im knackered......

All I want to do is hold on to this place and get to the finish line, I drop to a 4:14, then a 4:19 for Ks 7 and 8 and am feeling the hurt now, some how pick it up for a 4:08 9th K then I think the last K was short as it registered only 3:36.

So my 1st 10K for 10 months results in a 40:44 (I think that the last K was a bit short, but even so am happy with the outcome - a nice big fetch PB but still a min of my best ever.
Swindon Striders
37:32 40:44 42:00 40:44 66.36
37:45 42:26

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