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Barbury Castle Track'n'Trail

Wed July 5 2006
Listed by Dochart
Entrants (2)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Dochart Driving up the minor road out of Wroughton, I passed the 'start' line at the bottom of Barbury hill and thought, 'flippin eck', or words to that effect.  The car park, toilets and race HQ are at the top of the hill.  THe route sorts the men (everyone else) from the boys (me) right from the start: a steep climb of 70m which saw quite a few walking before the crest.  First man and first woman to crest the hill are crowned king and queen ( presumably after the race) but that all happened long before I made it to the top.  The route then leaves the roads behind to head east along Smeathe's ridge before dropping north and returning along tracks and paths for a final hill and the finish.  One water station at around the half way mark,and again at the finish, and a scattering of marshalls, but few spectators  on a misty but dry evening after a lot of rain during the day.  After the 'mare of a race on Sunday, I really, really enjoyed this one.  58/109
31:45 35:41 44:08 51.37
Running Fish good small scale mid-week event. thoroughly recommended.
28:48 29:57 34:18 64.57

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