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Baildon Boundary Way

Listed by AddledAdder
  • Rated 77%
  • 13.1mi
  • Road
Entrants (2)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
AddledAdder Another hilly one.  Not sure on the impact that the route will have on a best time.  Well aware that this is multi terrain though...
Post event:
Wow that was hard.  Nothing like I've ever done before.  Could have done with attaching my crampons onto my trainers to get some purchase on the mud and water.  Did someone say this was off road?  More like bog hopping and marsh swimming!  Could have been a Grim challenge...
Anyway, pleased to come in under two hours with the sore knee and the organisation was pretty good (loads of friendly marshalls) although the start was a little chaotic with people trying to avoid the knee deep mud...  Scenery FANTASTIC, hills SEVERE (they take twice as long when its two steps forward and one backwards!), and why did there seem to be a headwind for the majority of the route?  Would do again with fell trainers, rather than trail trainers - although this may be a function of the amount of rain that has fallen in the last fortnight...
1:38:12 1:38:12 1:40:00 1:58:08 49.74
1:44:45 1:48:37 2:25:13 41.06

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