Asics Kingston Running Festival

Listed by Kitty
Entrants (11)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
1:57:00 1:57:00 1:57:00 61.34
Blakey 26.2 RRC Good race, aimed for 8 minute miles (target 02.08) quite consistant.
26.2 Road Runners Club
2:07:00 2:07:00 2:20:00 2:07:00 56.81
Casper The Ghost Moaned all the way just to annoy Deenzy and Dr Death
2:23:06 2:23:06 2:23:06 56.39
Sandhurst Joggers
2:37:31 2:37:31 2:37:31 54.76
Deenzy My first ever race and longest ever run. Ran it as a team with my cousin Casper The Ghost and Dr Death who also work with me. We are also running together for charity in next years London Marathon. Felt a bit nervous before hand but was fine once we got going. First circuit was at a good pace for us of about 8.5 min miles and heart rate aerobic. 2nd lap was a tiny bit slower but heart rate was a bit higher than I would have liked and was stupidly high for the last 2 miles when we picked up the pace. Body hurts a little bit now particularly the oustside of my knees and I have a couple of blisters. Overall very happy with the experience, the race is very well organised and friendly. Also happy with our time which is setting us up nicely bar any catastrophes for a sub 4 Marathon next year.
Wimbledon Windmilers
1:56:48 2:23:08 2:25:00 2:23:08 50.58
Trail Running Association
2:00:54 2:00:54 2:00:54 59.35
Sheen Shufflers
2:01:00 2:01:00 2:01:00 59.31
Kitty I am treating this as a LSR and running with my mum.
Serpentine RC
2:30:10 2:39:02 2:39:02 50.17
Lefromage A great flat course and good conditions. I planned that i would attempt to run 10 minute miles for as long as i could. I managed this up to the 10 mile mark and then managed a 10:55 mile. I pulled this back over the next 2 miles but for miles 15 and 16 i ran just over 11 minute miles. However at the 13 mile mark i was 9 minutes faster than my half marathon time i set at the Robin Hood Festival.
VEGAN RUNNERS UK, Barking Road Runners
2:42:18 2:42:18 3:00:00 2:42:18 46.31
Sai Where were all the Marshalls? And who removed the Mile markers on my second lap!!!???
Serpentine RC
3:18:15 3:18:15 3:18:15 36.20
1:39:48 1:41:16 1:42:00 1:41:16 70.85

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