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anglesy marathon

Sat September 24 2005
Listed by plodding hippo
Entrants (1)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
plodding hippo Race Report-Anglesey marathon

Pre race prep the usual manic week at work-I even started to FEEL tired by the end of the week.
Was driven to Anglesey on Saturday-and arrived at the very pleasant Bull hotel.Within the hour I was tucking in to roast pheasant!.After a couple of pints in the bar chatting to the locals it was early to bed at 10.30-and I actually slept!(but what is it about bonging clocks whenever I stay away for a race!)
Breakfast wasnt till 8 am so I forced down half of a bagel id brought and was dropped off at the showground by 8.30
Registration was in a huge shed-presumably for cattle shows!
Collected my number and chip and sat down to compose myself.
About 9am  the tannoy announced that we could all collect a cup of tea-how civilised.
Sipped on Redbull instead
Met the tiny band of forumites doing this race-Tail Chafer, Owen Rogers and HTA.
Feeling very nervous now-a small field and most gunning for 4 hour times or faster.
Out we all went to set our garmins----------

We were herded into the pen 15 minutes before the off.Didn’t manage to get my usual position RIGHT at the back-oh dear.
Weather bright and sunny-and already a bit warm for me


Legs feel loose and relaxed.My only real goal is to run 10 miles without walking-I haven’t since Reading Half in March.So try to take it steady--------right so that’s why the first 2 miles were 10 minute ones!
Ok don’t panic-it takes a while to get the pace
Tuck in behind a bloke i a blue t shirt running in a very relaxed fashion-----but he’s doing 10 minute miles or faster!!!!!
Pass the first people walking-and feel a bit better
The first drinks station is at 3 miles-and there is ample Hi 5-YUM!
Im still sub 11 minute miling and I cant stop myself
Blue t shirt is way ahead now but I’m catching up white t shirt.Tuck in behind him as he seems to be doing 11.30 min miles-and it feels all wrong
Overtake him-well he will catch me up later of that I am QUITE sure.
The wind starts to pick up and Im feeling distinctly uncomfortable
Now running all alone
There is beautiful countryside all aroud-but I cant appreciate it
And suddenly at 7.73 miles-im bloody WALKING
Bit annoyed
I always do this-always have

So I run walk-and am a bit surprised to do the next 4 miles in 45 minutes.The Garmin occasionally says I’m running sub 10 min miles in the running bits.What’s going on?
If I keep this up I’m on for a pb-but hey-its only 11 miles and I’m due another bad patch.

Right on cue-a BLOODY great hill-and a prolonged walk----and a 14 minute mile.
I then overtake a 100 marathon club member-and we echange a few words.he will be overtaking me later-I am sure.
We are going through lots of little villages and the locals are out in force to cheer us on.Get heckled by a little lad-and I challenge him to join me.he is going to race me to the bridge but cant go that far
(ran up that little hill, I did)
Still regular drinks stations and Hi 5
Run walk continues and some prolonged downhills mean that im alternating 14 min miles with 11 minute ones
Weird-never had a race like this before.
And overtake another 2 people-er hang on I’m run walking-but I suppose I’m still runing a bit
Never mind-onwards
Hit half marathon point(marked on the route!) at 2.26.19—at last!(last 2 halves have been disasters at 2.40 and 3 hours-in fact-this half is faster than during my pb marathon)
Start calculating what will happen if I now walk at 4mph.That’s because there are huge hills and my knee has started hurting.And Im hyperventilating and starting to feel a bit sick.
Amazingly-I get to 15 miles in 2.52-im still on Cardiff pb time-but I do not feel well.
Out with the glucose tablets and just keep going
Overtake a lad who has totally cramped up just before 18 miles
And no-one has overtaken me yet-odd

18.5-feel sick and lightheaded.I’m too hot.Its just another bad patch-come on.Can I do 20 miles in 4 hours--------------
Not quite but 4.01 will do.
If I can walk at 15 min mile pace now I’ll do sub 5.30.
Except for that bloody point 2-and the fact of the hills and fatigue mean I’m doing 16 mi mile walking pace.So I will have to run bits
Entertain the thought that sub 5.45 would still be a good time.Its only 4 weeks since my ultra and 3 weeks since my last marathon—
Push that though out of my head and just keep struggling on
Did I mention the drinks stations?
Every mile at the moment-I’m on water now as my stomach has totally seized up
I don’t even want the water-I’ve even had a pitstop-unusually for me-but I dont want to seem churlish at the water stations.

The last 4 miles is along main road-and frightening.But there are still marshalls at the double roundabout-though they think I am last.Enormous hill at mile 23-24 leads to my slowest mile—15.28
I can hear the tannoy of the showground in the distance-and then I’m there.Dodging the cars who are leaving-such is a backpackers lot.
Mile 26-----I hate the point 2
No way am I doing sub 5.30-but its ok
Keep stumbling then brisk walking

I even walk in the finishing straight-so I can run across the line at the end

And hubby misses me finishing!


This is a superb race
Thankyou to everyone!
100 Marathon Club
4:16:46 5:22:56 5:29:14 40.74

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