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Adidas Dublin Marathon

Mon October 31 2005
Listed by No.8 ™
Entrants (11)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Baza Had a good time at Dublin and happywithmy timegiven the weather conditions. Hope to get a full report into Blog which i've just found out about.
Carnegie Harriers
3:17:18 3:29:06 3:15:00 3:29:06 57.62
2:54:40 3:24:33 3:30:00 3:24:33 58.91
Debbie W First marathon - brilliant!
3:20:25 3:20:25 3:20:25 65.39
4:00:43 4:00:43 3:45:00 4:00:43
demcc101 2 marathons in one day.
First and last!
What a run. All sorts of emotions from extreme pain (near the end) to extreme happiness (the end). Had I known that before hand I'd have just run the end part....
I'm glad I've done it and well done to everyone else who took part. Supporting crowd where fantastic!
3:36:57 4:07:35 4:10:00 4:07:35 48.67
Grantham Running club
2:53:27 3:06:23 3:09:42 64.39
3:03:05 3:14:43 3:14:43 61.88
Left Foot
UKnetrunner, Veterans Athletic Club
3:45:26 3:56:39 3:56:39 56.40
No.8 ™ For the full, blow by blow account of my race, please read my blog (make sure you've got 15 minutes spare)

Dublin Marathon itself - First class. Top notch organisation, and plain to see what is capable from events backed by large commercial companies. Highly recommended as either a replacement FLM (apart from the time of year) or a first mara or first
2:40:48 3:21:09 3:21:09 59.90
OlderSharkrunner My second marathon , i hope i will be able to put in a solid performance and smash my pb from London .Training has been hard as i had to do most my running on a treadmill at sea !

Update , smashed my PB with a solid run in ideal conditions , im over the moon!
4:26:53 4:26:53 4:30:00 4:26:53 45.15
3:14:00 3:17:36 3:15:00 3:17:36 60.98

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