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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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Aberdeen Jog Scotland Challenge 5K

Wed July 5 2006
Entrants (3)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Ultracat Hot evening, too hot for me to run well.  Lovely course around Hazlehead even though it was uphill for the first 1k.  Got a t-shirt, medal, fridge magnet, goody bag with choc. etc Very beginner friendly race where you could run/jog/walk.

Tshirt has on it  Run: Succeed: Enjoy
Metro Aberdeen
26:18 26:18 28:00 29:13 56.00
Gogsy! First 5k - started treadmill running 6 weeks ago after a 6 mth layoff. (Haven't jogged outside for years.) No idea how I will get on but have high hopes.
Really delighted with my time, but I found it very hot after the air-conditioned gym. I also struggled with the changing terrain but it was a great setting with the sun shining through the trees. Can't wait for my next one.
JogScotland Rosemount
23:37 25:55 30:00 28:17 51.23
Just Jim First 5k.I am steady 10 minute miling, so prediction has to be 31mins!

Hi happycat, probably saw a lot of you during the, race as`we finished almost together wish i had known we were fellow Fetchers!!
Hidden Peak Running
21:49 26:31 31:00 29:19 46.83

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