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12 Apostles stone circle on Ilkley Moor early on Easter Sunday. Took 20 minutes to run up there from Ilkley, and only 10 minutes to get back!
16th Apr 2009 by SimonF
16th Apr 2009 at 3:31pm
Siouxsie: I ran there a few weeks ago and was surprised and disappointed to find how small the stones were! -
16th Apr 2009 at 8:12pm
Mikuro: Up t'road from me and I've yet to go there. Mostly because I don't think it will be buggy friendly... -
17th Apr 2009 at 11:09am
SimonF: The stones are small, but imagine being up there on Summer Solstice 3,000 years ago..... It might be possible to get a buggy up there if you went from Dick Hudson's