Aug 2021
7:54am, 20 Aug 2021
128,790 posts
Externally sourced list of games that would still be considered 'good' by 2021 standards.
Aug 2021
8:03am, 20 Aug 2021
128,792 posts
Enjoyed Dooogs' comments on the previous thread.
My story doesn't really feature consoles.
In no particular order my video game life has been arcades, PSX, Mac and various handhelds. And an awful lot of pinball.
A few stand outs along the way - excuse the recency bias.
* Gauntlet * Mr Do * Golden Tee (an absolute obsession for City workers in the 1990s) * Tomb Raider (various apart from the one that was TFH - 2, possibly) * JRPGs (esp FF VII and the few following) * Zelda-alikes (loved Oceanhorn2 on Apple Arcade) * WoW * Metal Gear Solid (esp the first PSX one - Solid Snake, possibly) * CCGs (HS mainly but meta changes have driven me to the better Gwent) * Survival horror (RE and Silent Hill series)
Aug 2021
8:09am, 20 Aug 2021
50,062 posts
What do I do with my old 78s?
Aug 2021
8:14am, 20 Aug 2021
23,770 posts
Well I went to the polls only to see the Carry On final. Are we only going to be allowed 1 hour per day’s worth of voting/bleating on a school day?
Aug 2021
8:22am, 20 Aug 2021
39,532 posts
I'll only be able to comment on games that are pre 1995, is that OK?
Actually, I've got 4 "eras"
1981-86 ZX81, ZX Spectrum, Atari 2600 and friends' Commodore 64, Vic 20 etc. 1992-1995 PC games, a golden era. Doom, Sam and Max, countless 2001-2005 PS2 - my playing with my son: snowboarding, Monkey Island 2018-date: PC (laptop) and phone. But very occasional dipping in.
So I suspect I would have to just "clear the X" on most of Grep's list as I won't know what they are! Unless we do retro, then I'm a ninja! G
Aug 2021
8:27am, 20 Aug 2021
23,771 posts
Console history
Binatone early black and white thing - it had tennis and football, basically both blobs you moved up and down. Atari Console - had Space Invaders, Asteroids, Pac Man, Adventure, MIssile command.
Then not a lot until we played Rampage for hours in the Uni bar, then while doing Accountancy we'd play a boxing game in the pub, and at my first job after we'd all play Doom during the work day over the LAN.
Then nothing until I bought my kids a Wii, and I think a PS2. Played Doom 3 on the PS2, until my son used to kick the crap out of me, at which point I concluded 'too old for this gig'.
Fair to say I ain;t no PC Gamer....
Aug 2021
8:40am, 20 Aug 2021
25,629 posts
Console history
I learned how to use the door and go outside to play cricket and football
Aug 2021
8:41am, 20 Aug 2021
25,630 posts
I nearly put "back door" but thought better of it.
I'll be on the beach, give me a shout when it's done
Aug 2021
8:42am, 20 Aug 2021
7,098 posts
I still play but I never had a modern console so my personal overlapping eras are broadly similar to HG:
1981ish-86: Atari 2600 Mid-80s -late 90s: My dad's various Macs 1987-early 90s: Speccy 128k+2; 1992-late 90s: Sega MegaDrive
1999-present: PC
Aug 2021
9:04am, 20 Aug 2021
3,412 posts
Oscar the Grouch
I played a lot of FIFA in the 90s. EA Sports... It's in the game.
Played a fair few other things but a lot off console football.
...and Frostbite on the Atari. A sort of Frogger with Ice Blocks and Polar bears.