Ultimate Trails 110k Ultra

2 watchers
Jan 2016
3:17pm, 21 Jan 2016
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Advice needed. Too long for a first ultra at 110k? I've done (relatively comfortably but slowly) a couple of trail marathons .. and a coast to coast hilly non stop 160 mile cycle. Is this too big a step up (6 months to train/taper) given that my only target is to finish in time limit. Have been inspired by the thought of midnight start and running through dawn breaking in the mountains..... Anyone jumped in at the deep end in a similar way?
Jan 2016
3:38pm, 21 Jan 2016
1,568 posts
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I did that event last year. It isn't easy! Some very rough ground, and steep climbs / descents.

It's harder than the Lakeland 50; similar terrain, but 20 miles more of it. The midnight start is the best bit.

Food supplied was rubbish and some of the signage was poor, given we were reassured we didn't need a map (I took one, we did need a map)!
Jan 2016
3:55pm, 21 Jan 2016
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Thanks. Hmmmm. Seen a few comments re food - and I had same issue on Coniston marathon last year - was better than mid field but CPs has just trays of a few crisp remains. 2 bag drops to stock up on UT110? Still tempted - love the Lakes and the hills. Plenty of walking and trekking poles...

Training for L100 next year???
Jan 2016
5:28pm, 21 Jan 2016
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I used it as a trial to see if I might be up for the L100 this year. It is probably a good intermediate; a step up from the 50, but not the massive undertaking of the 100.
Jan 2016
11:07pm, 21 Jan 2016
156 posts
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Personal view - not too long for a first ultra (given you've already done trail marathons). My first ultra was a 35, but then I went straight to 100miles and lived to tell the tale. But... worth making sure you are trained/prepared for what that extra distance will bring - i.e. running in the dark, running when you're potentially sleepy, eating on the go, carrying vest/pack with a bit more kit in it for much longer.
Jan 2016
11:55am, 22 Jan 2016
5 posts
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Very tempted. Think you've tipped me over edge. Running in dark (tick - I'm a pre work runner with headtorch); vest (tick - done a couple of mountain marathons in past); sleep (hmmm?); handling the mid race glumps (hmmm?); training ok - subject to family approvals. thanks!

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Advice needed. Too long for a first ultra at 110k? I've done (relatively comfortably but slowly) a ...

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