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Cuerden Valley Badger 10k Trail Race

1 watcher
Aug 2014
8:57am, 4 Aug 2014
2,434 posts
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Anyone done any of this series? Any good?

Also, what's the running surface like? Is it suitable for road shoes, or would I need trail shoes?

Any advice welcome. Thanks in advance
Aug 2014
9:37am, 4 Aug 2014
1,603 posts
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I've not done it and I'm not from the area, but...I did do the Cuerden Valley parkrun on Saturday :-) If it is this route raceroutes.co.uk Then I'd think you will likely get away with road shoes. The paths are decent concrete for the majority or compact 'trail'. On Saturday it was wet underfoot and most people wore road shoes. They only struggled when going through the woods parts, which were slippery (but it doesn't look as though you go directly through the woods on that route).
Aug 2014
10:04am, 4 Aug 2014
198 posts
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pink fairy
I did the August run last year and loved it, it's a really varied and interesting course (but not a fast one!). I think I wore trail shoes, but a lot of people didn't. There are a few bits that go through fields (one icnludes a hill, with cows) so if it's muddy trail might be preferable, but road shoes would still be fine I think as the majority of the paths are hard.

I've missed both of the series so far this year, and am currently fighting an injury before GNR so looks like I'll miss the 3rd one too which I'm really disappointed about. Last year you could get a muffin and a brew at the end for £1 which won it for me.

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Maintained by R4R
Anyone done any of this series? Any good?

Also, what's the running surface like? Is it suitable ...
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