Time zone setting

2 watchers
May 2012
1:46pm, 9 May 2012
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According to my training log, I started one of my runs at (around) 6:00 am, which it may have been by GMT (or UTC if you're really picky) but by the local clocks it was more like 3:00 pm. Is there something like a time zone setting anywhere on the site to take care of this? While we're at it, is it possible to choose between 12-hour and 24-hour times?
May 2012
2:53pm, 9 May 2012
6,369 posts
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Son of a Pronator Man
I've never come across a seting for that and I suppose it has to be that way or the training log would not work. We'd have people running at the same time who appraeed to run at different times, runners logging runs on Sunday when it was still saturday and the dilithium crystals just couldn't take it
May 2012
2:55pm, 9 May 2012
6,525 posts
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Just change it manually.
May 2012
2:58pm, 9 May 2012
6,371 posts
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Son of a Pronator Man
What a ridiculous suggestion ;)

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According to my training log, I started one of my runs at (around) 6:00 am, which it may have been b...

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