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Thursday 20th March 2025 The Daily Thread Back in nineteen forty-four,

3 watchers
20 Mar
12:00pm, 20 Mar 2025
335 posts
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Derby T, it was! Same today so I took myself off to the west coast and did a 10 miler, out and back to Marwick head from Skaill - on the way back I saw another runner up ahead who unusually I was gaining on. Turns out I knew her and we ran the last 2.5m together. Beautiful morning and nice to have company some of the way!

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About This Thread

Maintained by alehouse

Lyrics: Back in nineteen forty-four,
I remember Daddy walking out the door.
Mama told me he was going to war, he was leaving
From the first verse, after the opening chorus

What: short run

Why: work first
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