My first black toenail (no pics)

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Apr 2011
9:55pm, 23 Apr 2011
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At around mile 19 of VLM I got a really nasty pain in my big toe - it felt like my toenail had been pulled off, so I was pleasantly suprised when I took my shoes and socks off to find just a small blister on the side of my toe. Fast forward a few days, and the toenail's changed to a rather attractive purple colour, and seems to be coming away at the top. It is also painful, although managable until I either knock it when I'm putting my sandals on, a small child stands on it, or I drop a deckchair on it. Google has thrown up all sorts of interesting advice, including boring a hole in the nail with a red hot paperclip, and popping the blister, as well as just leaving it. As I'm on the clumsy side, I'm not convinced I should be let loose with red hot paperclips, so leaving it is the preferred option at the moment. Any ideas though as to whether I'd be better off seeing my GP next week or a podiatrist? And any idea to when the nail will come off, or is it a piece of string question. And if anyone has any other magical solutions to stop it hurting, then I'd love to hear them!
Apr 2011
10:03pm, 23 Apr 2011
2,748 posts
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I had that after reading my local nhs walk in centre bored hole in to a fixed it straight away best way forward
Apr 2011
5:10pm, 24 Apr 2011
67 posts
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Popping the blister will relieve the pain. I had 2 under separate nails after Edinburgh Half. Luckily my blisters were at the top of the nail and I popped them as soon as I got home. Lost the nails right enough :-)
Apr 2011
5:44pm, 24 Apr 2011
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This happened to me after Robin Hood Marathon last September. There was pressure under the nail which after a few days resolved itself. It felt much better apart from feeling loose and feeling that it would drop off at any time. I had to run with it taped down with plasters. After about a week or so it eventually dropped off itself leaving part of a new nail underneath. It has taken quite a few months to grow back completely, and was fine when i did London Marathon this year. I also took to getting trainers half a size bigger which seemed to work.
Apr 2011
5:51pm, 24 Apr 2011
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I have this problem no matter what shoe size I wear. After VLM three of my toenails were blistered. They became soft so I could get a sterilized safety pin through to relieve the fluid. Even still, today is the first day they're not painful. I'm currently building a fake nail from nail varnish for the 1.5 that have already fallen off.
Apr 2011
9:19pm, 24 Apr 2011
543 posts
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Lost my first ever toenail today. It tried to hang on but was finally another casualty of Brighton Marathon.
Apr 2011
9:23pm, 24 Apr 2011
2,771 posts
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mine first fell off last night !!! So is the procedure now to keep it like your first number/medal to show the grandchildren in years to come !!!!
Apr 2011
9:26pm, 24 Apr 2011
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The Terminator
Eat it
Apr 2011
9:27pm, 24 Apr 2011
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Apr 2011
9:38pm, 24 Apr 2011
2 posts
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My left little toe nail suffers no matter what I do - walking, running whatever. Fallen off more times than I can count. Just been up to the Dales for the weekend and painted all my nails dark blue before I went so they all look the same!

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Maintained by Zeb
At around mile 19 of VLM I got a really nasty pain in my big toe - it felt like my toenail had been ...

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