Granada, Veleta and Training Camp

1 watcher
Jun 2020
8:39pm, 23 Jun 2020
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Evening all, I have just booked flights to Spain for Aug 1-16. I will be near South from Granada in El Valle de Lecrin and will hire a bike from Cycle Sierra Nevada (CSN). There's very little flat nearby and I've been cycling there for the last 10yrs. This will probably be the fittest I've been recently - certainly bike fit so think I'm ready to tackle the Pico Veleta which I'm definitely not underestimating! Has anyone climbed it?

I also want to get the most out of the bike hire so will (subject to family commitments) ride as long and as hard as I can.

Has anyone done a 2 week camp?

The programme on the CSN is:
Saturday - Arrive at the airport, transfer to Velez, build bikes, optional light spin.
Sunday - We normally take a light/medium run on Sunday.
Monday - Start to build the up the kilometres with medium to long run.
Tuesday - Long day with lots of climbing.
Wednesday - Rest day or optional light coffee spin down to the beach.
Thursday - Ease back into it with a medium day in the saddle
Friday - Last day, long and steady
Saturday - Transfer to airport and depart

I propose doing 2 weeks back to back with the Veleta at the end (we stay at 600m and the altitude and heat it noticeable in the first days. I searched for generic tips (don't race everyday, don't eat too much etc..) but wondered if anyone had any tips they'd like to share noting I'll be a lone rider. rather than in a camp.

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Maintained by 2triornot2tri
Evening all, I have just booked flights to Spain for Aug 1-16. I will be near https://www.sierranev...

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