Jan 2011
5:45pm, 23 Jan 2011
1,374 posts
JamieKai *chameleon*
Okay, after the success of Icon Hurt & Heal, we have a new game to play. In this game, the Icons are set against each other in battles, one on one, and they will progress through a 'World Cup' style competition. Each day will bring a set of battles to vote upon, with the winners progressing, and the losers falling. Initially, the icons have been split into 16 groups of three or four. From each group, 2 icons will emerge, and face off in a knockout tournament.
But where do you come in? Well, your job initially is to predict who will come first and second in each group. At the end of the group stage, you will score points, based on your accuracy. After the group stage, you will get to predict again for the knockout stages.
Some rules (everyone loves rules) 1. Predictions are meant to be private (and should be f-mailed to me) I will not be eligible to enter this game, to prevent accusations of cheatery I will, however, be voting... 2. There will be 24 hours to vote for each match up. There will be multiple battles per day. 3. In the group stage, there will be 3 points for a win, and 1 for a draw. To seperate tied scores, the number of votes cast for and against will be used. In the unlikely event of a further tie, there will be a coin flip - JamieKai 's decision is final...
I may have forgotten stuff. Post here and clarifications can be made. The groups will shortly be posted in the header - Pick your 1st and 2nd places from each and fmail me
Jan 2011
6:48pm, 23 Jan 2011
1,379 posts
JamieKai *chameleon*
Oh, and the matches will start in a couple of days. To let people get their guesses in...
Jan 2011
6:59pm, 23 Jan 2011
2,231 posts
genius what is the bribery and corruption situation?
Jan 2011
7:11pm, 23 Jan 2011
1,380 posts
JamieKai *chameleon*
It will be actively encouraged, and totally covered up without any tabloid leaks or affairs with dodgy PAs. Maybe...
Jan 2011
7:16pm, 23 Jan 2011
14,770 posts
You have way too much time on your hands Jamie;)
Will the win?
Jan 2011
7:16pm, 23 Jan 2011
6,503 posts
lol JK- this looks fun and very time consuming for you!!!!
I will study and predict over the coming couple of days.
can offer flapjack bribes to get my points.
Jan 2011
7:25pm, 23 Jan 2011
1,381 posts
JamieKai *chameleon*
ogee - This is what happens when there's a slow day at court. I spent a good couple of hours doodling this all out, even to the point of getting all the groups sorted!!
sioux - flapjack? Looks like someone is getting a head start Keep 'em nut-free though, otherwise I'll be all deaded
Jan 2011
7:26pm, 23 Jan 2011
2,561 posts
Please can win this time?
Jan 2011
7:32pm, 23 Jan 2011
1,382 posts
JamieKai *chameleon*
Hope so, becca7...
But it's more about which Fetchie wins...
Jan 2011
7:33pm, 23 Jan 2011
6,505 posts
yay becca you home? great to meet you today. I'll settle for to win if and can be 2,3 and 4
Can you seeds JK- pumpkin, sunflower etc?