Fetch Photographers

49 watchers
Sep 2023
1:18pm, 24 Sep 2023
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The great dollop
Yes loxley is the goto for pro wedding stuff and enlargements, photobox for up to 8x12.
Beware of white-label like boots, which is actually photobox.

Sorry - not tried the loxley from a user side recently as my commercial stuff just api/pulls into it and not my control as that's via my photoshelter commercial gallery....
Dec 2023
4:25pm, 18 Dec 2023
41,738 posts
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Wonder if this might be of interest to the "locals" on this thread:


Otillie and her partner have YouTube channels making films about their adventures (Running, kayaking, cycling, mountaineering, living in the mountains) and it's often very entertaining.

Otillie has recently had a big injury which has stopped most of her adventures for a while and decided to learn how to take proper photos with proper film in a proper camera. She's of the generations that have grown up thinking that photos are what you store on your phone so it's quite a journey.

I know nothing about photography but I enjoyed watching her learn and experiment.

That sounds a bit wrong but you know what I mean.

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Maintained by Hamsterbolt

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