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Edinburgh routes

5 watchers
Jun 2014
12:43pm, 25 Jun 2014
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The canal from Edinburgh (Union Canal then Forth and Clyde) goes very close to Linlithgow and Falkirk High stations, and not that far from Polmont, Croy and Lenzie, all on the Glasgow to Edinburgh main rail line (though not served by all trains, check timetables.) Queen St station in Glasgow is only five minutes from a canal branch.

There is also a national cycle route alongside much of one of the other lines (via Livingston Bathgate/Airdrie) which I'm told is quite good for running.

There are in fact four rail lines you can take between Glasgow and Edinburgh without changes - and if you took a fifth route (change at Falkirk Grahamston) you could go down to see the Kelpies :-) (See pic attached to this route http://www.fetcheveryone.com/route-1703813 )

Sample route from North Queensferry - there's almost certainly a better way though the city, possibly using the cycle path network. http://www.fetcheveryone.com/route-1710260

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Maintained by Winky!

I'm headed to central Edinburgh for two long weekends in July and I'm keen to get in some lo...
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