Jun 2015
6:18pm, 14 Jun 2015
1,517 posts
Are there any doctors out there familiar with the weird sensation of running and feeling like you are breathing through your ear? I had a lovely 7 mile trail run today which was partially spoiled by my left ear acting up. It honestly felt like I was breathing through my ear, it was horrible, when I spoke my voice sounded far too loud but it was also hard to hear what was being said to me. I could really hear every breath through that ear, really loud, but only my left ear. I just googled it, and it sounds like patulous eustacian tube but I don't really know. It wore off an hour or so after the run, and I have had it before. What is it, can I stop it happening again, and is it anything to worry about or just annoying?
Jun 2015
9:12am, 29 Jun 2015
16,510 posts
I read this post and didn't know what to say so didn't reply. But now I've boinged it, so any more useful people can comment!
Jun 2015
11:32am, 29 Jun 2015
1,533 posts
Lol! I guess I am the only one with this weird problem but thanks for the boing! It is pretty wierd! It didn't happen this Sunday so was able to enjoy my 11 miler.
Jun 2015
11:33am, 29 Jun 2015
6,135 posts
I think it might be sweat in your ear distorts all the sounds and makes you feel weird.