Beer Mile World Classic August 22nd 2015

1 watcher
Aug 2015
5:23pm, 9 Aug 2015
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Now here's an event we can really get behind*

Looks like an epic throwdown with a very high quality field. Not only an individual challenge, but these athletes (male and female) are drinking for the glory of their country. I had gone on the site to look at an article about the hoohah in the Sunday Times, but got onto this, an event where the consumption of performance inhibiting drugs is mandatory. Cheers! pint

*Except those prefer not to drink and/or run.
Aug 2015
5:58pm, 9 Aug 2015
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Two days ago, Friday 7th August, is being hailed as the greatest day ever in Beer Mile history, with the record falling not once but twice. Footage of the WR in Australia of 4:56 eclipsed within 24 hours in Canada with a 4:55.

Footage of the woman's beer mile record being set in November 2014: 6:28 A month later though, it was brought down to 6:17.

Rules used by the colonials stipulate a 12oz (can or bottle) for each lap, and a "no-vom" policy. Significantly less booze then than a traditional Chunder Mile involving pints (though glasses are arguably easier to down from) where however fluid expulsion is permitted. The record for this, apparently, is 5:08.

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Now here's an event we can really get behind*

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