May 2014
11:54am, 20 May 2014
25,885 posts
Both bands (Eagles and The Dan) referenced each other in a couple of songs, in a sort of game of sonic soggy biscuit...
May 2014
11:57am, 20 May 2014
73,939 posts
Building the perfect beast was a *fabulous* album.
May 2014
12:37pm, 20 May 2014
25,886 posts
I was more of an End of the Innocence kinda dude.
May 2014
1:24pm, 20 May 2014
73,941 posts
Offer up your best defence...
May 2014
1:28pm, 20 May 2014
25,887 posts
Daddy had to lie...
Mar 2016
10:13am, 10 Mar 2016
80,312 posts
I'm going to bounce this apropos of a couple of things:
(i) just listened to Aja again. It really is very very good
(ii) Scatsville by Michael Franks. A real gen I'd not heard prior to last night.
Mar 2016
10:22am, 10 Mar 2016
37,453 posts
(i) I'd add at least one more 'very', Greg. An irresistible mélange of jazz and sophisticated soft rock.
Jul 2016
2:57pm, 1 Jul 2016
83,067 posts
Boing. It's a Swans thing.
Jul 2016
3:56pm, 1 Jul 2016
15,448 posts
I love a bit of Dan, but don't have a favourite
Ashamed to say that the one I have listened to most is the compilation album, A Decade of Steely Dan. I have never got them confused with anyone else. I did once introduce them to a fellow Fetchie (AndyWooHoo) during RNR. I'm not sure he was convinced.
Nightfly is better than The Kamakyriad (which I have probably misspelt) but I like that as well
Oct 2017
3:56pm, 28 Oct 2017
14,508 posts
Is there gas in the car?