
Last on at 4am, 12th Apr 2017
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About Me
So who am I? Known as PJ to my friends, I was born in Folkestone the 70’s, grew up in Tunbridge Wells and eventually relocated to Waterlooville in Hampshire. I’m an IT Professional, which basically means my job is too boring and complex to go into detail on so that catch all title will suffice. As soon as I start talking about Unix infrastructure, AIX, Linux and Solaris you can see people glazing over, so “I work in IT” is usually where that particular conversation ends.
How would I describe myself? Fatboy turned runner. When I tell people I’m a runner I get a few looks seeing as I’m not the usual size and stature of what non-runners perceive runners to look like. Those looks tend to turn to disbelief when they probe further and find out that I’ve completed a few marathons and a 50k Ultra Marathon. Looks can be deceiving.
Marathon and Ultra Marathon finisher. I ran my first marathon in Portsmouth in 2012 and my first Ultra Marathon, again in Portsmouth, in 2015. I’ve done a few more marathons, but not enough in my opinion to call myself a marathon runner yet, so finisher will suffice. I have finished a few marathons and an Ultra and I’m very proud of that fact.
Eater of cakes and Bacon. Cakes and bacon are high ranking essential food stuffs in my life. Still waiting for that magical ‘bacon cake’ moment.
Parkrun lover and tourist. Even though I’ve been running on and off since 2009 and signed up to parkrun back then I’ve only recently started attending. A work colleague and running buddy dragged me along to my first parkrun in Havant in September 2015 and I was hooked, why had I not done this sooner, it’s a wonderful experience and I love it now, total convert. In March 2016 I discovered the joys of parkrun tourism and started on that journey.
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World Emoji Day run Jul 2016
Winchester parkrun Jul 2016
Stansted Slog - Slog by name, slog by nature! Jul 2016
Eastleigh parkrun Jul 2016
5 fears about joining a running club... Jun 2016
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