
Last on at 10pm, 3rd Jan 2020
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About Me
My running history consists of me going to support my wife & friends at various running events & I would be the "bag holder".

My youngest son Alfie was born with a rare disease & we started a charity to raise awareness & funds for this disease. (Lymphangiomatosis).

Run events were an obvious choice & seeing other "non-runners" take up the challenge also watching Alfie going through so much pain trying to walk, I entered a running event.
My first run was Run Balmoral 10k in 2012. I trained & did it in approx 1 hour 7 minutes (my tag did not register)

My 2nd run was Run Balmoral 5k in 2013 where bad weather & lack of time meant no training was done. I made it but it was a harsh lesson.
The start of 2014 I began to train for that years Run Balmoral 5k. I lost some weight & did the 5k in 32 (ish) minutes. I then found parkruns & started doing 5k every Saturday but soon realised running my heart out once a week was not good for me. I was directed to Hazlehead Jogscotland & have never looked back. I did 4x 5k race in JS 1 Big Weekend & then on to 10k races in Peterhead at the tailend of last year.
2015 sees me entering Run Balmoral Duathlon & a big cycle in August with Ride the North.

I hope the JS Hazlehead & Parkruns will keep me moving forward as much as last year.
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