About Me
I started running in 2002 (Race for Life) and have been running on and off (more off than on) ever since. I ran VLM2010 and ran the Sussex Beacon Half and Kilomathon England as warm-up events. The last few years I've been blighted by marathon-induced injury and haven't managed to do any events or much training. I've been keeping fit over the last couple of years by doing British Military Fitness, which I found to be much better for me than endless road-pounding. Ready for a new challenge, I took up cycling - and when I say "took up", I mean I learnt to ride a bike four years ago and then did the London to Brighton Bike Ride two months after first getting on my bike. Then I did a super sprint triathlon, slightly against my better judgement... followed by a nasty bout of (unconnected) Legionnaire's Disease. Now, in Spring 2016, I have just been running properly for the first time since I was ill, over a year later (I did some Disney running in the autumn, but that doesn't really count!) It was tough going, but I surprised myself by enjoying it, so I might do it again.
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