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Sun 10th Jul 2011 at 11:00am by swerver

Run > Race

  • v warm
  • Time
  • Miles
  • Min/mi
  • Pacing
  • WAVA
  • Cals
  • Asc(m)
  • Surface

Notes & Comments

Split Summary


1) - 1m - 6:28(6:28/m) - 179bpm avge - 191bpm max - 115cal

2) - 1m - 6:48(6:49/m) - 192bpm avge - 194bpm max - 118cal

3) - 1m - 6:55(6:55/m) - 193bpm avge - 195bpm max - 116cal

4) - 1m - 7:19(7:19/m) - 192bpm avge - 194bpm max - 119cal

5) - 1m - 7:09(7:09/m) - 191bpm avge - 193bpm max - 120cal

6) - 1m - 7:19(7:19/m) - 194bpm avge - 196bpm max - 119cal

7) - 0.21m - 1:12(5:43/m) - 199bpm avge - 205bpm max - 22cal

Heart Rate Zone Summary


HR Zone: undefined: 100%

Pace Zone Summary


Pace Zone: 5:00-5:19/mile: 1.8%

Pace Zone: 5:20-5:39/mile: 3%

Pace Zone: 5:40-5:59/mile: 6%

Pace Zone: 6:00-6:19/mile: 11.2%

Pace Zone: 6:20-6:39/mile: 12.7%

Pace Zone: 6:40-6:59/mile: 15.1%

Pace Zone: 7:00-7:19/mile: 14.5%

Pace Zone: 7:20-7:39/mile: 10.5%

Pace Zone: 7:40-7:59/mile: 7.8%

Pace Zone: 8:00-8:19/mile: 5.2%

Pace Zone: 8:20-8:39/mile: 2.4%

Pace Zone: 8:40-8:59/mile: 2.8%

Bushy 10k race, never really do very well at this race and went into todays race with that negative feeling. Hadn't ran all week and thats not the best build up, also don't like running when hot so it wasn't looking good for a PB.

Started off aiming for a good time but probably went off too quick. The first part of the race is always rubbish on this course boring industrial units and always pleased to get them done and dusted. Second mile was slower but within a pb still as was the third mile, by then I knew that I wouldn't be able to keep it up and really wanted to stop. I did that at the first water stop and took a drink and poured some over my head, set off once more. Most of the race I had Justin B either just in front or just behind me, as the second half was been ran GW also joined in the 'slow' gang. By the time the second water station was upon us I was totally knackered stopped again as did GW, we had a chat and then remembered that we were supposed to be racing, I set off and GW soon came past me.

I enjoy the bit through the trees but when I realised this was still 7m/m+ I knew all hopes of a pb were gone, I just concentrated in getting to the finish now. Last half mile to go and GW and Justin were in front of me as was 2 x NVH runners, I didn't mind losing to the WJ's but not the NVH's, anyway with about half a k to go I speeded up and pasted the four runners in front, I then realised that GW was going to give chase so tried to keep my speed up and stay in front, I did that, Just !

I ended up 36 secs slower than my PB but didn't really mind as knew I wouldn't do well, the course was well marshalled and had some good support all the way round, massive well done to those who got PB's today, great stuff.

Hung around after and ate lots of cake and listened to prize giving before heading home, BBQ and beer now and I will try and do some more training this week ! :)
6:28 6:48 6:55 7:19 7:09 7:19 1:12
Well done, great time buddy.
Love the write up. Did think of you all at 11am. Hope the training stays on track this week ;-)
good effort considering, think you'll find most peoples race went downhill after halfway! always the next race!
Hey Jude
At least you werent overtaken by a FV50 this time lol! Might have felt bad but those splits are still fast and amazing pace for the last 0.2 mile! Big thanks to Emma for the cake esp the choc and banana one
Looks pretty damn good running to me, PB or not! Well done


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0mi in 0


  • Pace
Multi Graph Loading...
mi ( to ) | /mi | bpm


Miles Miles Time Time Split Split Min/mi /mi

Further Analysis

  • Predictions

    Dist Time Per Mile WAVA
    1M 6:14 6:14 62.62
    5km 20:44 6:40 62.92
    5M 34:20 6:52 62.09
    10km 43:14 6:57 61.62
    10M 1:11:35 7:10 60.90
    Half 1:35:18 7:16 60.25
    20M 2:29:15 7:28 60.30
    Mara 3:18:42 7:35 60.64
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