Miles 25.52
Min/mi 7:55
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Sometimes people forget to stop their GPS before driving home. If you think something like that has happened here, you can ask for this training entry to be reviewed. If the review agrees, the user will be notified and the training entry will be quarantined until sorted. Your report is anonymous.
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Interesting Wayne, was 26 miles on my Garmin when I ran that old course record you beat. I ran the same course a few weeks ago and it was 26 again. Maybe not all Garmins are alike. Do you have a copy of the route you can email me, may be it changed slightly. Did hear they were changing the finish this year as last year was a disaster we could not get through the Sunday market stalls. My email is glevumrunner@hotmail.co.uk
I see you beat my training partner Wayne Mayer by a few seconds. Must admit I slowed down at the end as was well inside old record. I was going for two records in 6 days and trying to save myself.
14 Jun Cheltenham Circular Challenge 3:33:10
20 Jun Malvern Midsummer 4:31:xx
I'll have to do it again now to beat you, LOL. I missed doing it this year as ran 100km race day before so legs a bit tired. My Malvern record is well beatable as I made a navigation error costing 15 mins and paced myself just to beat the old record. Malvern was on the Saturday before the CCC this year. That's a challenge to do both back to back. Will do it myself if opportunity arises.
Anyway well done your name will be forever on the www.arrs.net site which list all marathons.