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Sun 16th May 2010 at 10:00am by beef

Run > Race

  • Time
  • Miles
  • Min/mi
  • Pacing
  • WAVA
  • Cals
  • BPM
  • %MHR
  • B/mi
  • Asc(m)
  • Surface

Notes & Comments

Windermere Marathon - 3:14:45, HR 147 83%. very happy, PB by 7mins
Cloudy over Lakes with mist on the Fells, good marathon weather. No warm-up, help focus on easy start. 7:28 1st mile comfortable but don't fell very energetic. up initial hills 3m at Av 7:28, feels like it'll be hard to go any faster, wanted 7:20 for 1st half. Downhill mile 4 to Hawkshead, held back 6:40pm. Bonny next 3m by Estwaite lake, av down to 7:12pm at 7m. Bottom of Graythwaite hill, let them go, in no rush up this fella, need to conserve. Down to 7:20pm at top. Next few miles undulating, sun starting to break through, plenty downs, easy terrain, 72min at 10m (7:15pm). Nice section continues to Newby Bridge, still running ok, calm before storm, know whats coming, Half at 1:35 (still 7:15pm). Now the main tough bit, past Fell Foot 13.25m, start of relentless hills. Easy on the hills just keep effort going, stretch out a little on downhills. Hang on a mo, starting to pass a few, more & more, not flagging at all uphill, starting to ache a bit going down left thigh that was such a problem last year. Just imagine how bad the others must feel that I pass so easliy. 19m at 7:19 great that's the hilly section done. Nice run through Bowness but starting to wilt. Left thigh getting painful downhill. Keep taking the gels, make sure use them all. horrible hill at Miller Ground, at least its the last one. 22m Downhill to Troutbeck, that hurts. Just hang in now hard bit done. Still picking up places easily. 24m Lowood downhill again, could do without that. Sharon shouts just 2 women ahead to catch. 25m Ambleside could walk now to to decent time, others are walking or almost. Rothay humpback Footbridge - hard up, painful down with turn. Picked it up a bit for final run in, horrible little steep downhill at junction, strong finish, charged (relatively) up the drive, sprint-ish to the line was again painful because downhill.

1) - 1m - 7:28(7:28/m) - 148bpm avge
2) - 1m - 7:18(7:18/m) - 152bpm avge
3) - 1m - 7:38(7:38/m) - 152bpm avge
4) - 1m - 6:40(6:40/m) - 147bpm avge
5) - 1m - 7:03(7:03/m) - 149bpm avge
6) - 1m - 7:00(7:00/m) - 150bpm avge
7) - 1m - 7:14(7:14/m) - 148bpm avge
8) - 1m - 8:13(8:13/m) - 152bpm avge
9) - 1m - 7:09(7:09/m) - 145bpm avge
10) - 1m - 6:43(6:43/m) - 143bpm avge
11) - 1m - 7:27(7:27/m) - 147bpm avge
12) - 1m - 7:16(7:16/m) - 145bpm avge
13) - 1m - 7:08(7:08/m) - 145bpm avge
14) - 1m - 7:46(7:46/m) - 148bpm avge
15) - 1m - 7:40(7:40/m) - 148bpm avge
16) - 1m - 7:28(7:28/m) - 149bpm avge
17) - 1m - 7:23(7:23/m) - 148bpm avge
18) - 1m - 7:10(7:10/m) - 146bpm avge
19) - 1m - 7:25(7:25/m) - 145bpm avge
20) - 1m - 7:27(7:27/m) - 146bpm avge
21) - 1m - 7:37(7:37/m) - 148bpm avge
22) - 1m - 8:03(8:03/m) - 148bpm avge
23) - 1m - 7:34(7:34/m) - 143bpm avge
24) - 1m - 7:32(7:32/m) - 143bpm avge
25) - 1m - 7:40(7:40/m) - 146bpm avge
26) - 1m - 7:37(7:37/m) - 148bpm avge
27) - 0.28m - 2:09(7:41/m) - 153bpm avge

Heart Rate Zone Summary


HR Zone: 50-140bpm (Sub 70%): 2.5%

HR Zone: 140-146bpm (71-75%): 32.5%

HR Zone: 146-152bpm (76-80%): 51.8%

HR Zone: 152-159bpm (81-85%): 12.5%

HR Zone: 159-165bpm (86-90%): 0.7%

HR Zone: 165-172bpm (91-95%): 0%
7:28 7:18 7:38 6:40 7:03 7:00 7:14 8:13 7:09 6:43 7:27 7:16 7:08 7:46 7:40 7:28 7:23 7:10 7:25 7:27 7:37 8:03 7:34 7:32 7:40 7:37 2:09


  • Pace
  • Elev
  • HR
  • B/mi
Multi Graph Loading...
mi ( to ) | /mi | bpm


Miles Miles Time Time Split Split Min/mi /mi HR bpm HR Beats/mi BMI Ascent mtrs Asc.
1.00 7:26 7:26 7:26 148 102-167 1101 0/0
2.00 14:44 7:18 7:18 152 140-162 1109 0/0
3.00 22:22 7:38 7:38 152 145-159 1161 0/0
4.00 29:02 6:40 6:40 147 140-157 979 0/0
5.00 36:05 7:03 7:03 149 143-159 1050 0/0
6.00 43:05 7:00 7:00 150 144-155 1050 0/0
7.00 50:18 7:13 7:13 148 144-156 1069 0/0
8.00 58:31 8:13 8:13 151 144-159 1240 0/0
9.00 1:05:40 7:09 7:09 145 138-154 1038 0/0
10.00 1:12:24 6:44 6:44 143 133-150 963 0/0
11.00 1:19:51 7:26 7:26 147 140-155 1094 0/0
12.00 1:27:07 7:16 7:16 145 139-150 1054 0/0
13.00 1:34:15 7:08 7:08 145 140-150 1034 0/0
14.00 1:42:01 7:46 7:46 148 141-153 1149 0/0
15.00 1:49:40 7:40 7:40 148 138-154 1134 0/0
16.00 1:57:09 7:28 7:28 149 142-157 1114 0/0
17.00 2:04:31 7:23 7:23 148 138-155 1092 0/0
18.00 2:11:42 7:10 7:10 146 140-151 1047 0/0
19.00 2:19:07 7:25 7:25 145 142-148 1076 0/0
20.00 2:26:34 7:27 7:27 146 141-152 1089 0/0
21.00 2:34:11 7:36 7:36 148 143-155 1126 0/0
22.00 2:42:14 8:03 8:03 147 142-152 1183 0/0
23.00 2:49:48 7:34 7:34 143 138-149 1083 0/0
24.00 2:57:20 7:32 7:32 143 139-149 1077 0/0
25.00 3:05:00 7:40 7:40 146 141-150 1120 0/0
26.00 3:12:36 7:36 7:36 148 143-155 1126 0/0
26.28 3:14:47 2:11 7:53 153 147-157 1205 0/0

Further Analysis

  • Pace Distribution

    Edit colour bands
  • Heart Rate Distribution

    147 avge / 167 max Delete HR Trace
  • Benchmarks

    Distance Time Mins/mi WAVA Fastest
    400m 1:31 6:05 53.51% More
    800m 3:10 6:23 59.51% More
    1km 4:00 6:26 62.12% More
    Mile 6:36 6:36 64.61% More
    5k 21:30 6:55 66.37% More
    5 miles 35:26 7:05 65.54% More
    10k 44:16 7:08 65.45% More
    10 miles 1:11:51 7:11 66.15% More
    Half 1:34:55 7:15 66.58% More
    20 miles 2:26:15 7:19 66.97% More
    Mara 3:14:10 7:25 67.38% More
  • Predictions

    Dist Time Per Mile WAVA
    1M 6:05 6:05 70.13
    5km 20:15 6:31 70.44
    5M 33:32 6:42 69.26
    10km 42:14 6:48 68.61
    10M 1:09:56 7:00 67.96
    Half 1:33:06 7:06 67.33
    20M 2:25:48 7:17 67.18
    Mara 3:14:07 7:25 67.40

Bespoke Fields

Interval av're HR
Interval max HR
INR last
INR date
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