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Wed 4th Dec 2024 at 3:57am by quimby

Cross > Strength

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Notes & Comments


Wednesday 04/12/24
5 minutes cardio

Wall Angels x 8
Butchers Block Stretch x 20 seconds
Worlds Greatest Stretch x 5 rotations each side
Side Plank Clamshell x 10 each side
10 ankle stretches
Barbell Deadlift
2 RPE 8.5
2 X 3 10% LESS

66 RPE 8.5
65 2 maybe 9.2
60 2 2 2

How am I supposed to know what's going to feel like 8.5 on a first set?
Just feel like I’ve lost confidence with deadlifts. 😕
***Wrap the straps right***
Squeeze your bum as bar passes the knees
Leg Press
10 reps
3 sets 120

48.4 10 felt sick with effort

46.1 10 10 not so bad but hard. Feels very demoralising when I can’t do heavier. Feel like I’m going backwards or stagnating on all exercises.

Remember the first set is always the hardest. You can do heavier.

DB Z Press
8 kg 5 x 3 120
7 555
Keep upright

Inverted Row
8 reps
3 sets 120

If you think this will be too painful on the hands switch to lat pulldowns
Single Leg RDL
Each side
If these have been feeling good ou can try adding a light B in the opposite hand to our
working leg
feel free to use a bench/rack for balance
12kg 6 x 3 120

each side
Banded Glute Bridge
12 x 3 120

Not on program see if I have time
(Bird Dog
10 x 3 90)
Cable pull
12.5 88
12.5 8

14.7 8

Nicky's kettlebell twist
12 12
12 1212
Nicky's ball throw
6 12

6 1212


  • HR
Multi Graph Loading...
mi ( to ) | /mi | bpm


Set Exercise Repetitions Duration Weight (kg) Rest
1 flye, curl 12 1:12 0.0 29
2 push_up, triceps_extension 10 2:00 0.0 7
3 curl, bench_press 5 1:16 0.0 4
4 push_up, triceps_extension 10 2:04 0.0 1:00
5 curl, bench_press 8 1:26 0.0 7
6 lateral_raise, lateral_raise 5 46 0.0 5:07
7 curl, bench_press 2 1:12 0.0 2:24
8 curl, bench_press 6 49 0.0 1:53
9 curl, bench_press 0 48 0.0 1:43
10 curl, bench_press 6 53 0.0 4:57
11 curl, bench_press 10 1:21 48.5 2:00
12 curl, bench_press 10 1:13 46.0 2:24
13 sit_up, crunch 10 1:07 46.0 4:04
14 pull_up, curl 6 27 0.0 51
15 bench_press, shoulder_press 6 29 0.0 53
16 bench_press, shoulder_press 4 22 0.0 3:12
17 bench_press, shoulder_press 5 38 7.0 59
18 bench_press, shoulder_press 5 38 7.0 1:55
19 bench_press, shoulder_press 5 35 7.0 2:41
20 curl, bench_press 6 1:46 12.0 27
21 curl, bench_press 12 54 12.0 18
22 curl, bench_press 6 1:38 12.0 22
23 curl, bench_press 12 58 12.0 1:39
24 curl, bench_press 6 1:47 12.0 20
25 curl, bench_press 12 1:00 12.0 6:04
26 curl, bench_press 8 1:27 12.0 1:47
27 sit_up, crunch 8 1:15 14.5 1:49
28 curl, bench_press 8 1:16 14.5 1:24
29 deadlift, curl 12 2:08 12.0 2:18
30 curl, bench_press 12 2:06 12.0 1:56
31 curl, bench_press 12 1:11 6.0 1:57
32 curl, bench_press 12 1:11 6.0 5

Further Analysis

  • Heart Rate Distribution

    83 avge / 122 max Delete HR Trace
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