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Sun 11th Dec 2022 at 8:31am by MrMo

Run > Race

  • Time
  • Miles
  • Min/mi
  • Pacing
  • WAVA
  • Stride(cm)
  • Cals
  • Cadence
  • BPM
  • %MHR
  • B/mi
  • Asc(m)
  • Surface

Notes & Comments

Runbelievable Advent Challenge (Marathon): 03:52:26 Pos: 4/12

This might have been the coldest race I've done. I never got warm in freezing fog and a temperature of ~ -3 degrees.

However, there wasn't any wind at all and this route at Minnis Bay is lightening fast.

I was confident of breaking 4 today and only entered on Thursday after a strong training run.

I carried that form in to today. And, despite a dodgy opening half (was slow at the start and even had to stop for a wee at about 9.5 miles), I ran a very strong second half.

I even had to stop to do up my shoe lace at about 15 miles.

The last lap was really strong. My lap times were something like 59:20, 58:10, 57:35, 57:15 (and a delay of 5 seconds whilst they stopped the clock!). That's negative splits of 1:57:30 and 1:54:50.

Split Summary
1) 1m - 9:27(9:27/m) 132/151bpm [1247b/mi] 109cal
2) 1m - 9:06(9:06/m) 144/153bpm [1310b/mi] 109cal
3) 1m - 9:00(9:00/m) 146/152bpm [1314b/mi] 108cal
4) 1m - 8:55(8:55/m) 151/164bpm [1345b/mi] 109cal
5) 1m - 8:54(8:54/m) 151/157bpm [1343b/mi] 107cal
6) 1m - 8:51(8:51/m) 153/161bpm [1355b/mi] 109cal
7) 1m - 8:50(8:50/m) 154/162bpm [1361b/mi] 111cal
8) 1m - 8:44(8:44/m) 157/163bpm [1372b/mi] 108cal
9) 1m - 8:44(8:44/m) 154/161bpm [1346b/mi] 109cal
10) 1m - 9:14(9:14/m) 151/158bpm [1395b/mi] 113cal
11) 1m - 8:43(8:43/m) 150/156bpm [1307b/mi] 108cal
12) 1m - 8:43(8:43/m) 152/160bpm [1325b/mi] 109cal
13) 1m - 8:44(8:44/m) 151/158bpm [1320b/mi] 109cal
14) 1m - 8:41(8:41/m) 150/158bpm [1303b/mi] 109cal
15) 1m - 8:58(8:58/m) 149/156bpm [1335b/mi] 109cal
16) 1m - 8:43(8:43/m) 150/155bpm [1306b/mi] 108cal
17) 1m - 8:43(8:43/m) 155/168bpm [1352b/mi] 110cal
18) 1m - 8:43(8:43/m) 159/167bpm [1386b/mi] 108cal
19) 1m - 8:49(8:49/m) 159/169bpm [1401b/mi] 110cal
20) 1m - 8:55(8:55/m) 166/174bpm [1479b/mi] 111cal
21) 1m - 8:49(8:49/m) 168/173bpm [1480b/mi] 109cal
22) 1m - 8:50(8:50/m) 168/172bpm [1485b/mi] 109cal
23) 1m - 8:52(8:52/m) 168/172bpm [1490b/mi] 109cal
24) 1m - 8:46(8:46/m) 167/171bpm [1464b/mi] 110cal
25) 1m - 8:39(8:39/m) 171/181bpm [1478b/mi] 109cal
26) 1m - 8:34(8:34/m) 169/179bpm [1447b/mi] 110cal
27) 0.31m - 2:24(7:52/m) 170/176bpm [1338b/mi] 32cal
9:27 9:06 9:00 8:55 8:54 8:51 8:50 8:44 8:44 9:14 8:43 8:43 8:44 8:41 8:58 8:43 8:43 8:43 8:49 8:55 8:49 8:50 8:52 8:46 8:39 8:34 2:24


  • Pace
  • Elev
  • Cadence
  • Stride
  • HR
  • B/mi
Multi Graph Loading...
mi ( to ) | /mi | bpm | spm


Miles Miles Time Time Split Split Min/mi /mi HR bpm HR Beats/mi BMI Cadence rpm Cad. Ascent mtrs Asc.
1.00 9:26 9:26 9:26 131 84-151 1237 172 166-176 8/4
2.00 18:32 9:06 9:06 144 133-153 1310 171 168-174 4/7
3.00 27:32 9:00 9:00 146 136-152 1314 171 168-176 6/9
4.00 36:27 8:55 8:55 151 142-163 1345 171 164-174 2/8
5.00 45:20 8:54 8:54 151 145-157 1343 170 168-172 3/9
6.00 54:12 8:51 8:51 153 147-161 1355 170 166-174 4/5
7.00 1:03:02 8:50 8:50 154 146-162 1362 170 84-180 10/4
8.00 1:11:47 8:44 8:44 157 149-162 1372 170 168-176 8/7
9.00 1:20:31 8:44 8:44 154 145-161 1346 169 166-172 7/6
10.00 1:29:45 9:14 9:14 150 133-158 1385 169 166-176 10/7
11.00 1:38:28 8:43 8:43 150 142-156 1307 168 166-172 7/9
12.00 1:47:11 8:43 8:43 152 145-159 1325 167 164-172 7/7
13.00 1:55:55 8:44 8:44 151 144-157 1320 168 164-170 6/4
14.00 2:04:37 8:41 8:41 150 143-158 1303 169 164-174 6/4
15.00 2:13:34 8:57 8:57 149 137-155 1335 168 164-172 5/5
16.00 2:22:17 8:43 8:43 151 144-154 1315 167 164-174 5/7
17.00 2:31:00 8:43 8:43 155 146-168 1352 167 164-172 5/6
18.00 2:39:43 8:43 8:43 159 151-167 1386 167 164-170 6/7
19.00 2:48:32 8:49 8:49 159 150-169 1401 166 164-170 5/3
20.00 2:57:27 8:55 8:55 165 157-174 1470 166 164-172 8/4
21.00 3:06:15 8:49 8:49 168 162-173 1481 166 164-172 5/8
22.00 3:15:05 8:50 8:50 168 164-172 1484 165 164-168 5/5
23.00 3:23:58 8:52 8:52 168 164-172 1491 166 164-172 7/8
24.00 3:32:44 8:46 8:46 167 161-171 1464 166 160-172 10/11
25.00 3:41:22 8:38 8:38 172 167-180 1485 166 164-170 7/10
26.00 3:49:56 8:34 8:34 169 164-179 1449 165 164-168 11/4
26.31 3:52:21 2:25 7:55 170 167-176 1344 167 164-172 1/2

Further Analysis

  • Pace Distribution

    Edit colour bands
  • Heart Rate Distribution

    155 avge / 180 max Delete HR Trace
  • Cadence Distribution

    168 avge / 180 max Stride Length: 108cm
  • Run/Walk Breakdown

    % Cad Mi Time Min/mi
    Run 99.7 168 26.3 3:51:38 8:48
    Walk 0.0 84 0 4 25:49
    Still 0.3 - - 39 -
  • Benchmarks

    Distance Time Mins/mi WAVA Fastest
    400m 1:57 7:50 41.81% More
    800m 4:00 8:03 47.59% More
    1km 5:02 8:06 49.34% More
    Mile 8:20 8:20 50.77% More
    5k 26:38 8:34 53.98% More
    5 miles 43:24 8:41 53.91% More
    10k 54:06 8:42 54.01% More
    10 miles 1:27:23 8:44 55.25% More
    Half 1:54:37 8:45 55.72% More
    20 miles 2:55:28 8:46 57.23% More
    Mara 3:51:18 8:50 57.89% More
  • Predictions

    Dist Time Per Mile WAVA
    1M 6:48 6:48 62.16
    5km 23:08 7:27 62.16
    5M 38:40 7:44 60.52
    10km 48:53 7:52 59.77
    10M 1:21:44 8:10 59.07
    Half 1:49:25 8:21 57.92
    20M 2:52:48 8:38 58.11
    Mara 3:51:18 8:50 57.89
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