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Sun 23rd May 2021 at 7:00am by Sorequads

Run > Race

  • Time
  • Miles
  • Min/mi
  • Pacing
  • WAVA
  • Stride(cm)
  • Cadence
  • BPM
  • %MHR
  • B/mi
  • Asc(m)
  • Hillscore
  • Surface

Notes & Comments

Up early for the drive to Peterborough. Left home just after

five for a really smooth journey. Stopped at Rugby services for the toilet and

a chance to loosen off. Got a couple of funny looks doing various drills in the

car park. And for the parents amongst you – there was a brilliant outdoor

playground and multi-level indoor soft play.

Stopped to collect my friend and was met with a mixture of

nerves and excitement on his behalf.

The pre-race set up was really smooth. Numbers had been sent

in the post, loads of space in the enormous grassy parkland, short toilet

queues. We were called to the first gantry and then held in group of 25. The start

was essentially a single file walk/run over the line. So quite a good way to be

with people of the right pace yet distance everyone appropriately.

Ben said he was pushing for sub 3:20 with anything under

3:25 a great result. I think his current PB was 4h something. To be honest, it

was 20 miles of trying to hold him back then a few miles of making him dig in.

The course was scenic – certainly more so than I had been

led to believe for the city. Lots of river-, canal-side and bike paths. It was

great to run within myself, and I was having to consciously slow us both down

as we tended towards 7:20 miling.

1:37:11 first half, chatting away and enjoying each other’s

company for the first time in a while, before a tough second half. There was

significantly more headwind on the return and several section of rooty paths or

very slippery mud. Not ideal on tired marathon legs. We split the second half

in 1:40, which I think is pretty good for an even effort given the conditions.

I had forewarned him, but it was interesting to see how

quickly his effort went from very controlled, to suddenly hanging on – at about

the 21-22M mark. I was politely asked to stop talking at this point! You could

tell it was a well-paced effort though as we were rapidly overtaking many


Overtook one poor chap who was doing a ‘full-Foster’ in the

closing metres. Had to be met by paramedics with 7 or 8m to go. Hope he is ok.

Ben’s family were there to cheer us on – a pretty epic day

for him and a very fun one for me. 3:17:11 on the clock so an absolute result

for him. A very well organised event (Sublime Racing) and the goodie bag was

good – locally made peanut butter by the jar (x2) - yum.

Tired this week, but obviously nothing like after an all-out

effort. Although did have my second vaccine on Monday. Only recovery running so

far: 4, 4, 6, 7, re-joining the 5am club last couple of days.

If for some weird reason, a heart condition or something,

you told me I could never full on race a marathon again, but I could do this

sort of hardish effort, I would take it. A lot to be said about running the

whole thing with a smile on my face and helping a mate out.

Split Summary
1) 1m - 7:32(7:32/m) 178/190bpm [1342b/mi] 184/202rpm
2) 1m - 7:51(7:51/m) 183/188bpm [1438b/mi] 182/202rpm
3) 1m - 7:10(7:10/m) 185/190bpm [1329b/mi] 183/200rpm
4) 1m - 7:25(7:25/m) 183/190bpm [1354b/mi] 180/194rpm
5) 1m - 7:24(7:24/m) 184/187bpm [1362b/mi] 182/226rpm
6) 1m - 7:19(7:19/m) 182/187bpm [1332b/mi] 181/198rpm
7) 1m - 7:10(7:10/m) 188/192bpm [1348b/mi] 181/196rpm
8) 1m - 7:18(7:18/m) 186/193bpm [1361b/mi] 178/194rpm
9) 1m - 7:38(7:38/m) 190/193bpm [1450b/mi] 178/196rpm
10) 1m - 7:26(7:26/m) 189/193bpm [1403b/mi] 179/202rpm
11) 1m - 7:35(7:35/m) 188/191bpm [1428b/mi] 178/204rpm
12) 1m - 7:22(7:22/m) 189/193bpm [1394b/mi] 179/194rpm
13) 1m - 7:30(7:30/m) 190/193bpm [1422b/mi] 179/192rpm
14) 1m - 7:21(7:21/m) 191/195bpm [1401b/mi] 179/194rpm
15) 1m - 7:24(7:24/m) 188/191bpm [1388b/mi] 179/194rpm
16) 1m - 7:26(7:26/m) 184/189bpm [1368b/mi] 179/196rpm
17) 1m - 7:20(7:20/m) 186/189bpm [1362b/mi] 178/192rpm
18) 1m - 7:31(7:31/m) 186/188bpm [1398b/mi] 177/192rpm
19) 1m - 7:35(7:35/m) 185/188bpm [1399b/mi] 178/194rpm
20) 1m - 7:37(7:37/m) 186/191bpm [1416b/mi] 179/196rpm
21) 1m - 7:34(7:34/m) 186/191bpm [1410b/mi] 178/194rpm
22) 1m - 7:43(7:43/m) 188/193bpm [1454b/mi] 180/198rpm
23) 1m - 7:33(7:33/m) 190/192bpm [1433b/mi] 181/194rpm
24) 1m - 7:45(7:45/m) 185/188bpm [1431b/mi] 178/192rpm
25) 1m - 7:42(7:42/m) 185/189bpm [1424b/mi] 178/192rpm
26) 1m - 8:10(8:10/m) 186/190bpm [1522b/mi] 177/198rpm
27) 0.26m - 1:55(7:22/m) 186/191bpm [1374b/mi] 180/194rpm
7:32 7:51 7:10 7:25 7:24 7:19 7:10 7:18 7:38 7:26 7:35 7:22 7:30 7:21 7:24 7:26 7:20 7:31 7:35 7:37 7:34 7:43 7:33 7:45 7:42 8:10 1:55


  • Pace
  • Elev
  • Cadence
  • Stride
  • HR
  • B/mi
Multi Graph Loading...
mi ( to ) | /mi | bpm | spm


Miles Miles Time Time Split Split Min/mi /mi HR bpm HR Beats/mi BMI Cadence rpm Cad. Ascent mtrs Asc.
1.00 7:31 7:31 7:31 178 72-190 1338 184 170-202 6/6
2.00 15:22 7:51 7:51 183 179-188 1436 182 162-202 12/6
3.00 22:31 7:09 7:09 185 180-190 1324 183 154-200 20/4
4.00 29:58 7:27 7:27 183 176-190 1362 180 164-194 10/20
5.00 37:21 7:23 7:23 184 178-187 1359 182 160-226 11/6
6.00 44:40 7:19 7:19 182 173-187 1332 181 164-198 4/10
7.00 51:49 7:09 7:09 188 184-192 1345 181 164-196 10/8
8.00 59:08 7:19 7:19 186 178-193 1360 178 156-194 19/31
9.00 1:06:47 7:39 7:39 190 186-193 1453 178 162-196 9/4
10.00 1:14:13 7:26 7:26 189 184-193 1404 179 160-202 5/7
11.00 1:21:47 7:35 7:35 188 185-191 1425 178 160-204 8/9
12.00 1:29:09 7:21 7:21 189 187-193 1391 179 164-194 3/3
13.00 1:36:39 7:30 7:30 190 186-193 1426 179 160-192 4/4
14.00 1:44:00 7:21 7:21 191 185-195 1403 179 158-194 3/7
15.00 1:51:24 7:24 7:24 188 182-191 1391 179 162-194 6/4
16.00 1:58:50 7:26 7:26 184 179-189 1368 179 162-196 14/12
17.00 2:06:11 7:21 7:21 186 183-189 1366 178 162-192 9/10
18.00 2:13:41 7:31 7:31 186 183-188 1398 177 158-192 8/6
19.00 2:21:16 7:35 7:35 185 181-188 1402 178 158-194 6/9
20.00 2:28:54 7:37 7:37 186 181-191 1418 179 160-196 7/12
21.00 2:36:26 7:32 7:32 186 182-191 1402 178 162-194 7/9
22.00 2:44:09 7:44 7:44 188 185-193 1453 180 162-198 11/5
23.00 2:51:43 7:33 7:33 190 186-192 1435 181 164-194 12/6
24.00 2:59:27 7:44 7:44 185 181-188 1431 178 160-192 4/15
25.00 3:07:09 7:42 7:42 185 182-189 1425 178 158-192 6/8
26.00 3:15:20 8:11 8:11 186 183-190 1521 177 162-198 10/4
26.26 3:17:16 1:56 7:28 186 184-191 1388 180 154-194 3/4

Further Analysis

  • Pace Distribution

    Edit colour bands
  • Heart Rate Distribution

    186 avge / 195 max Delete HR Trace
  • Climb Gradient Min/mi
    27 1.1% 7:29
    12 1.7% 7:45
  • Cadence Distribution

    179 avge / 226 max Stride Length: 119cm
  • Benchmarks

    Distance Time Mins/mi WAVA Fastest
    400m 1:41 6:45 44.81% More
    800m 3:26 6:55 50.12% More
    1km 4:19 6:56 52.72% More
    Mile 6:58 6:58 56.49% More
    5k 22:30 7:15 58.80% More
    5 miles 36:22 7:16 59.24% More
    10k 45:19 7:18 59.30% More
    10 miles 1:13:43 7:22 59.67% More
    Half 1:36:45 7:23 60.38% More
    20 miles 2:28:37 7:26 60.86% More
    Mara 3:16:38 7:30 61.41% More
  • Predictions

    Dist Time Per Mile WAVA
    1M 6:10 6:10 63.88
    5km 20:31 6:36 64.50
    5M 33:59 6:48 63.39
    10km 42:48 6:53 62.80
    10M 1:10:52 7:05 62.07
    Half 1:34:21 7:12 61.41
    20M 2:27:45 7:23 61.21
    Mara 3:16:42 7:30 61.39
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