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Sat 8th Dec 2018 at 9:00am by MrMo

Run > Race

  • Time
  • Miles
  • Min/mi
  • Pacing
  • WAVA
  • Stride(cm)
  • Cals
  • Cadence
  • BPM
  • %MHR
  • B/mi
  • Asc(m)
  • Surface

Notes & Comments

Christmas Enigma: 03:52:33 Pos: =11/58

Rubbish. Had a rough morning out here. I turned up having had little sleep and feeling well under par.

If I'm going to be positive about this, it illustrates how much I've improved as a marathon runner that I'm calling a 3:52 a disappointing run.

If I have a six speed gearbox, it took for ever to find third gear today and I never got as far as fifth.

Also, the left hip flexor was really sore in the last 6 miles. In fact the last 6 miles were a bit of a write-off today, but that's partly because I decided on purpose to secure a sub-4 in the first 20 miles and then ease off if I needed to.

I think I need a rest and I'm delighted to say that I've got two weeks until the next one, so I think a bit of a break is in order.

Split Summary
1) 1m - 8:50(8:50/m) 138/151bpm 87cal 6.79/7.16mph
2) 1m - 8:54(8:54/m) 148/152bpm 97cal 6.74/6.95mph
3) 1m - 8:50(8:50/m) 152/158bpm 98cal 6.79/7.41mph
4) 1m - 8:41(8:41/m) 153/157bpm 95cal 6.9/7.99mph
5) 1m - 8:52(8:52/m) 157/162bpm 100cal 6.77/7.91mph
6) 1m - 8:54(8:54/m) 157/160bpm 99cal 6.74/6.99mph
7) 1m - 8:37(8:37/m) 157/161bpm 95cal 6.97/7.6mph
8) 1m - 8:37(8:37/m) 156/162bpm 94cal 6.96/7.33mph
9) 1m - 8:46(8:46/m) 158/164bpm 96cal 6.85/7.18mph
10) 1m - 8:41(8:41/m) 159/162bpm 95cal 6.92/7.53mph
11) 1m - 8:31(8:31/m) 160/162bpm 92cal 7.04/7.78mph
12) 1m - 8:31(8:31/m) 161/166bpm 92cal 7.05/7.33mph
13) 1m - 8:41(8:41/m) 160/163bpm 88cal 6.92/7.35mph
14) 1m - 8:38(8:38/m) 163/166bpm 94cal 6.95/9.91mph
15) 1m - 8:36(8:36/m) 163/166bpm 93cal 6.98/7.24mph
16) 1m - 8:45(8:45/m) 164/167bpm 93cal 6.86/7.33mph
17) 1m - 8:47(8:47/m) 165/167bpm 95cal 6.83/7.08mph
18) 1m - 8:41(8:41/m) 165/167bpm 94cal 6.91/7.41mph
19) 1m - 8:52(8:52/m) 164/168bpm 91cal 6.77/7.12mph
20) 1m - 8:56(8:56/m) 164/169bpm 92cal 6.72/6.95mph
21) 1m - 9:02(9:02/m) 165/167bpm 95cal 6.64/7.35mph
22) 1m - 9:01(9:01/m) 166/169bpm 99cal 6.65/7.76mph
23) 1m - 9:05(9:05/m) 166/169bpm 97cal 6.6/6.8mph
24) 1m - 9:19(9:19/m) 165/168bpm 95cal 6.44/8.35mph
25) 1m - 9:25(9:25/m) 167/171bpm 103cal 6.38/6.93mph
26) 1m - 9:11(9:11/m) 167/169bpm 99cal 6.54/6.78mph
27) 0.32m - 2:53(9:07/m) 170/174bpm 32cal 6.58/6.78mph
8:50 8:54 8:50 8:41 8:52 8:54 8:37 8:37 8:46 8:41 8:31 8:31 8:41 8:38 8:36 8:45 8:47 8:41 8:52 8:56 9:02 9:01 9:05 9:19 9:25 9:11 2:53


  • Pace
  • Elev
  • Cadence
  • Stride
  • HR
  • B/mi
Multi Graph Loading...
mi ( to ) | /mi | bpm | spm


Miles Miles Time Time Split Split Min/mi /mi HR bpm HR Beats/mi BMI Cadence rpm Cad. Ascent mtrs Asc.
1.00 8:50 8:50 8:50 137 104-151 1209 177 152-180 10/10
2.00 17:43 8:54 8:54 148 139-152 1317 177 166-182 11/9
3.00 26:34 8:50 8:50 152 149-158 1344 177 172-184 10/11
4.00 35:15 8:41 8:41 153 149-157 1330 178 172-182 4/9
5.00 44:07 8:52 8:52 157 153-162 1391 177 148-182 11/10
6.00 53:01 8:54 8:54 157 153-160 1397 176 168-182 13/12
7.00 1:01:38 8:37 8:37 157 153-161 1352 177 172-182 12/12
8.00 1:10:15 8:37 8:37 157 154-162 1353 177 172-180 9/9
9.00 1:19:00 8:46 8:46 158 153-164 1384 176 168-186 11/13
10.00 1:27:41 8:41 8:41 159 156-162 1379 177 170-182 10/11
11.00 1:36:12 8:31 8:31 160 157-162 1363 176 170-180 13/11
12.00 1:44:43 8:31 8:31 161 157-166 1371 176 170-180 10/12
13.00 1:53:23 8:41 8:41 160 155-163 1388 176 168-200 9/14
14.00 2:02:01 8:38 8:38 163 160-166 1406 176 170-180 9/9
15.00 2:10:37 8:36 8:36 163 160-166 1401 176 172-180 5/7
16.00 2:19:21 8:45 8:45 164 160-167 1434 176 168-180 14/12
17.00 2:28:08 8:47 8:47 165 162-167 1449 175 166-178 12/10
18.00 2:36:49 8:41 8:41 165 163-167 1433 175 170-180 11/11
19.00 2:45:41 8:52 8:52 164 161-168 1454 175 172-178 8/9
20.00 2:54:37 8:56 8:56 164 161-168 1464 174 166-180 8/9
21.00 3:03:39 9:02 9:02 165 163-167 1491 173 166-176 7/9
22.00 3:12:40 9:01 9:01 166 164-169 1497 174 168-176 9/8
23.00 3:21:46 9:05 9:05 166 164-169 1509 173 170-180 10/11
24.00 3:31:04 9:19 9:19 165 162-168 1536 173 164-176 11/11
25.00 3:40:29 9:25 9:25 167 165-170 1572 172 168-176 12/10
26.00 3:49:40 9:11 9:11 167 164-169 1533 173 168-178 6/12
26.32 3:52:33 2:53 9:09 170 167-174 1555 175 170-178 4/2

Further Analysis

  • Pace Distribution

    Edit colour bands
  • Heart Rate Distribution

    160 avge / 174 max Delete HR Trace
  • Cadence Distribution

    175 avge / 200 max Stride Length: 104cm
  • Benchmarks

    Distance Time Mins/mi WAVA Fastest
    400m 2:01 8:06 39.37% More
    800m 4:06 8:14 44.91% More
    1km 5:12 8:22 46.16% More
    Mile 8:25 8:25 48.76% More
    5k 26:31 8:32 52.60% More
    5 miles 42:50 8:34 52.90% More
    10k 53:22 8:35 52.99% More
    10 miles 1:26:17 8:38 54.12% More
    Half 1:53:31 8:40 54.40% More
    20 miles 2:54:36 8:44 55.61% More
    Mara 3:51:28 8:50 55.93% More
  • Predictions

    Dist Time Per Mile WAVA
    1M 6:48 6:48 60.30
    5km 23:08 7:27 60.27
    5M 38:41 7:44 58.58
    10km 48:55 7:52 57.81
    10M 1:21:46 8:11 57.11
    Half 1:49:28 8:21 55.98
    20M 2:52:52 8:39 56.17
    Mara 3:51:24 8:50 55.95
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