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Sat 5th Jul 2008 at 9:00am by RFJ

Run > Race

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Notes & Comments

North Hants TT this morning, the 1st one...... lovely setting, good numbers and a few fetchies to boot, (Raps, Gobi, Rach, Icklechick).

Quick warm up then the briefing for the route...... a bit playful for a 5k, 2 and bit laps with some rolling gradients and mix of paths, tarmac and grass.....

3-2-1 and we are off, a blue and white flash (andover vest) goes rushing past, eh... thats Jnr, he never starts fast..... (his PB sits at 22:39) oh well I will pull him in after a short while.....

End of the first lap, Jnr is a good 150m ahead, what........ I am going as fast as I can and the achillies is standing up to the presure Im asking of it, about 90% effort, and still not closing on Jnr, the route is testing and hard, as we get into the second lap I see Jnr slowing, ah my chance, wasnt wearing a Garmin just a norm stopwatch, and thinking I was on for around 22:30 juding the fact that Jnr will be having a good race....... put the hammer down, and turn the corner.... where the hell is Jnr...... he had put the hammer down too and gone....., knew with the last half lap and a good 100m at least between us that he was going to do it...........

And he did in 20:37 (10th)..... the old man found a bit of extra effort and came home in 20:56 (13th) .........

Jnr won hands down........ I cant use my achillies as an excuse as it held out, Jnr is now under orders to beat me at Reading Mile next week.......

Then had coffee in the Hilton Hotel, very nice....:-)
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