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Sun 22nd Oct 2017 at 8:00am by Sorequads

Run > Race

  • Time
  • Miles
  • Min/mi
  • Pacing
  • WAVA
  • Stride(cm)
  • Cals
  • Cadence
  • BPM
  • %MHR
  • B/mi
  • Asc(m)
  • Surface

Notes & Comments

Abingdon Marathon PB! Very pleased on such a windy day - 80% running solo. Big calf cramps towards the end. Had to really hold on. Made the first page of results! Toughest lap of a track ever.

Great day at Abingdon Marathon. Feeling less psyched up than usual due to the strong wind forecast. Realised that was an uncontrollable so just decided to have faith on 8 70M weeks and 10 20M+ runs over the last 16 weeks - running to HR and giving all I could.

Ran solo for 80% and the wind was very strong at times. It was useful having average lap time on my watch - so I didn't get freaked out by the slower miles into the wind.

In the cafe before the race I heard someone say how everyone hated the business park so he just embraced it. I was quite impressed so copied his attitude. I had also heard our great leader Ben talk of the underpass of doom - so made sure I watched it on YouTube. I can really see how that would break you if you were on the edge.

Half way in 1:24:39 to finish in 2:51:27. A PB by 1:43 - one that I'm really proud of in such conditions. I won't let race results define me - after all it is just a celebration of all the training - but it is a day I will look back on with fondness. 👍

Further thoughts a few days on. Ate very healthy for two weeks out. Definitely looked lean although didn't weigh myself. Early dinners and then no night snacking meant I went to bed with well controlled blood sugar level. Reduced basal insulin more than before london (5,3) and this made a difference. Some sweet potato with lunch day before Marathon then just fish and veg for dinner. Usual race breakfast of yog, coconut oil, cashews, banana and salt.

Hardly drank anything - 3 or 4 sips at most. Cups mostly do not much choice, but even when there were bottles (twice) I didn't really feel the need.

Ran to Hr 3.9 +/- 0.1. Dropped back from group on up hill but slowly caught them without trying. When the remains of the group pulled away my hr wasn't rising but it felt hard work. A mature and sensible decision.

Surprising calf cramps (gastrocnemius) towards the end. Pulsating as though on the verge of huge cramp. Really holding on and no chance of speeding up. Although the last two or three miles were slower, must remember they were solo, into the wind and through the underpass - undoubtedly accounting for a lot of the time.

Others spoke of it not being that quick a course. Obviously the wind, but others felt the off road sections, dodgy pavements etc and tight turns made a difference. Personally I don't think it does for me - maybe I do more miles like this than others and so am used to it.

1) 1.02m - 6:31(6:22/m) 191/212bpm 109cal 9.42/9.64mph
2) 1m - 6:20(6:20/m) 178/197bpm 106cal 9.47/9.87mph
3) 0.99m - 6:25(6:30/m) 155/166bpm 111cal 9.24/9.64mph
4) 1m - 6:29(6:31/m) 156/166bpm 114cal 9.2/9.73mph
5) 0.99m - 6:30(6:34/m) 158/160bpm 115cal 9.14/9.48mph
6) 1m - 6:23(6:22/m) 159/167bpm 111cal 9.43/9.81mph
7) 1m - 6:40(6:39/m) 158/174bpm 110cal 9.02/9.54mph
8) 0.99m - 6:35(6:38/m) 157/162bpm 106cal 9.03/9.48mph
9) 1m - 6:24(6:23/m) 156/161bpm 109cal 9.4/9.83mph
10) 1m - 6:29(6:29/m) 157/166bpm 110cal 9.26/9.5mph
11) 0.98m - 6:17(6:23/m) 159/169bpm 101cal 9.41/10.08mph
12) 1.03m - 6:47(6:34/m) 155/158bpm 104cal 9.14/9.64mph
13) 0.94m - 5:57(6:19/m) 155/161bpm 86cal 9.5/9.81mph
14) 1.02m - 6:43(6:33/m) 156/159bpm 93cal 9.16/9.68mph
15) 0.98m - 6:24(6:32/m) 155/159bpm 97cal 9.18/9.83mph
16) 1m - 6:41(6:42/m) 159/163bpm 104cal 8.96/9.58mph
17) 1m - 6:33(6:33/m) 158/162bpm 98cal 9.15/9.48mph
18) 1m - 6:32(6:32/m) 157/160bpm 89cal 9.18/9.5mph
19) 1m - 6:39(6:38/m) 158/162bpm 84cal 9.04/11.12mph
20) 0.98m - 6:22(6:29/m) 159/162bpm 79cal 9.26/9.46mph
21) 0.99m - 6:27(6:31/m) 158/161bpm 72cal 9.2/9.71mph
22) 1m - 6:32(6:33/m) 160/163bpm 77cal 9.16/9.79mph
23) 1m - 6:45(6:47/m) 158/168bpm 72cal 8.85/9.39mph
24) 0.99m - 6:44(6:47/m) 160/162bpm 77cal 8.85/10.98mph
25) 0.98m - 6:55(7:05/m) 161/163bpm 82cal 8.47/10.14mph
26) 0.99m - 6:56(7:00/m) 161/165bpm 87cal 8.58/8.87mph
27) 0.25m - 1:31(6:05/m) 162/164bpm 24cal 9.86/9.71mph
6:31 6:20 6:25 6:29 6:30 6:23 6:40 6:35 6:24 6:29 6:17 6:47 5:57 6:43 6:24 6:41 6:33 6:32 6:39 6:22 6:27 6:32 6:45 6:44 6:55 6:56 1:31


  • Pace
  • Elev
  • Cadence
  • Stride
  • HR
  • B/mi
Multi Graph Loading...
mi ( to ) | /mi | bpm | spm


Miles Miles Time Time Split Split Min/mi /mi HR bpm HR Beats/mi BMI Cadence rpm Cad. Ascent mtrs Asc.
1.00 6:22 6:22 6:22 189 92-212 1203 190 118-202 9/3
2.00 12:42 6:20 6:20 178 158-197 1127 189 186-194 1/12
3.00 19:11 6:29 6:29 155 150-166 1006 188 184-192 4/13
4.00 25:42 6:31 6:31 156 150-166 1016 188 184-192 4/3
5.00 32:16 6:34 6:34 158 154-167 1037 188 184-192 5/5
6.00 38:37 6:21 6:21 159 155-164 1010 188 182-194 4/6
7.00 45:17 6:40 6:40 158 150-172 1052 187 182-190 10/3
8.00 51:54 6:37 6:37 157 150-162 1039 187 184-192 9/5
9.00 58:17 6:24 6:24 156 154-161 997 188 186-192 3/7
10.00 1:04:47 6:29 6:29 157 153-166 1019 188 184-192 6/3
11.00 1:11:09 6:22 6:22 159 155-169 1013 189 184-194 5/6
12.00 1:17:43 6:34 6:34 155 150-158 1018 187 182-192 3/5
13.00 1:24:03 6:20 6:20 155 148-161 981 187 182-192 2/7
14.00 1:30:35 6:32 6:32 156 151-159 1019 187 182-190 3/5
15.00 1:37:08 6:33 6:33 156 151-159 1022 187 184-192 5/4
16.00 1:43:50 6:42 6:42 159 154-162 1065 186 182-190 13/5
17.00 1:50:22 6:32 6:32 157 153-162 1027 186 180-190 5/7
18.00 1:56:55 6:33 6:33 157 152-160 1027 187 182-196 3/5
19.00 2:03:34 6:40 6:40 158 149-162 1052 187 184-194 6/5
20.00 2:10:01 6:27 6:27 159 155-162 1025 188 184-190 4/6
21.00 2:16:33 6:32 6:32 158 155-161 1031 188 186-192 4/5
22.00 2:23:06 6:34 6:34 160 157-163 1050 188 182-196 3/7
23.00 2:29:59 6:53 6:53 158 152-168 1086 187 184-194 2/4
24.00 2:36:39 6:41 6:41 160 158-162 1068 187 182-190 6/3
25.00 2:43:45 7:06 7:06 161 156-163 1143 187 180-192 10/2
26.00 2:50:41 6:56 6:56 161 158-164 1117 187 180-192 8/2
26.13 2:51:29 48 6:03 163 162-163 987 193 190-206 0/2

Further Analysis

  • Pace Distribution

    Edit colour bands
  • Heart Rate Distribution

    161 avge / 212 max Delete HR Trace
  • Cadence Distribution

    188 avge / 206 max Stride Length: 131cm
  • Run/Walk Breakdown

    % Cad Mi Time Min/mi
    Run 100.0 187 26.1 2:51:26 6:34
    Walk 0.0 118 0 3 8:01
  • Benchmarks

    Distance Time Mins/mi WAVA Fastest
    400m 1:31 6:05 48.73% More
    800m 3:03 6:09 55.14% More
    1km 3:51 6:12 57.82% More
    Mile 6:15 6:15 62.32% More
    5k 19:53 6:24 65.21% More
    5 miles 32:06 6:25 66.14% More
    10k 39:59 6:26 66.41% More
    10 miles 1:04:45 6:28 67.12% More
    Half 1:24:41 6:28 68.15% More
    20 miles 2:10:00 6:30 69.15% More
  • Predictions

    Dist Time Per Mile WAVA
    1M 5:23 5:23 72.26
    5km 17:54 5:46 72.45
    5M 29:38 5:56 71.64
    10km 37:19 6:00 71.16
    10M 1:01:47 6:11 70.33
    Half 1:22:16 6:17 69.57
    20M 2:08:49 6:26 69.78
    Mara 2:51:31 6:33 70.25
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