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Sun 21st May 2017 at 10:00am by lildude

Run > Race

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  • breezy
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  • WAVA
  • Stride(cm)
  • Cals
  • Cadence
  • BPM
  • %MHR
  • B/mi
  • Asc(m)
  • Surface

Notes & Comments

Royal Berkshire 10k (4th overall, 3rd male & big PB)

Went into this race hoping for a PB. The race comes at the end of a recovery week which ended up including more recovery than planned thanks to the torrential rain so had no excuses not to go for it.

I had planned on going out for about a 34:30 but realised this may have been a little conservative once I got going as I felt great. Ran pretty much by feel though had to reign things in a bit a few times as I picked up the pace without realising it a few times. I blame the fact I was trying my hardest to keep up with and then pass the first lady, Lily Partridge, whilst at the same time trying not to kill myself.

Just after half way, and still hot on the heels of Lily, I passed the 3rd place male and kept going. I'd found a good pace and ticked over the kays. Pushed the final km a bit in a final bid to pip Lily but she had more in her legs than me and it didn't happen.

In the end I finished 4th overall and third male with a 30s PB.

Chuffed to bits and really looking forward to Comrades now.

Oh yes, and looking back over my splits - both 5k splits would have been PBs had they been their own races.
3:27 3:22 3:23 3:26 3:26 3:19 3:25 3:24 3:25 3:20 12


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mi ( to ) | /mi | bpm | spm


Miles Miles Time Time Split Split Min/mi /mi HR bpm HR Beats/mi BMI Cadence rpm Cad. Ascent mtrs Asc.
0.25 1:22 1:22 5:27 158 100-174 860 200 194-232 2/1
0.50 2:46 1:25 5:38 174 171-177 980 196 194-198 2/1
0.75 4:09 1:23 5:31 178 176-182 981 196 194-198 1/3
1.00 5:31 1:22 5:28 182 180-185 996 194 192-196 3/0
1.25 6:51 1:20 5:22 183 180-184 981 193 188-210 1/3
1.50 8:16 1:25 5:40 184 181-187 1043 192 188-198 3/0
1.75 9:34 1:17 5:09 185 183-187 954 191 188-198 1/4
2.00 11:00 1:26 5:46 184 182-188 1061 190 180-194 5/3
2.25 12:19 1:18 5:14 184 182-186 963 191 186-194 2/0
2.50 13:42 1:23 5:33 185 184-187 1026 190 188-192 5/2
2.75 15:04 1:22 5:28 186 184-187 1018 190 190-192 0/5
3.00 16:27 1:23 5:34 185 184-186 1030 190 188-192 3/1
3.25 17:50 1:23 5:31 186 184-189 1026 190 188-194 1/0
3.50 19:14 1:23 5:34 187 186-190 1040 188 186-190 2/1
3.75 20:29 1:15 5:01 185 184-187 927 188 184-192 0/2
4.00 21:51 1:23 5:31 187 184-188 1031 187 184-188 0/1
4.25 23:14 1:23 5:30 186 184-189 1024 186 184-188 1/1
4.50 24:34 1:20 5:22 187 186-188 1002 187 186-188 1/2
4.75 25:58 1:24 5:35 186 185-188 1040 186 184-188 2/1
5.00 27:20 1:22 5:27 187 185-188 1021 186 186-188 3/3
5.25 28:45 1:24 5:38 187 184-189 1053 184 178-188 1/1
5.50 30:06 1:22 5:28 186 184-189 1015 186 182-188 0/2
5.75 31:26 1:20 5:18 186 185-188 986 186 184-188 3/1
6.00 32:47 1:21 5:25 186 185-187 1007 185 184-186 1/2
6.25 34:05 1:18 5:12 187 185-191 974 187 184-190 1/2
6.26 34:08 3 4:50 189 188-189 913 187 186-188 0/0

Further Analysis

  • Pace Distribution

    Edit colour bands
  • Heart Rate Distribution

    184 avge / 191 max Delete HR Trace
  • Cadence Distribution

    190 avge / 232 max Stride Length: 156cm
  • Benchmarks

    Distance Time Mins/mi WAVA Fastest
    400m 1:15 5:00 60.97% More
    800m 2:36 5:14 66.81% More
    1km 3:17 5:18 69.67% More
    Mile 5:20 5:20 74.22% More
    5k 16:50 5:25 79.18% More
    5 miles 27:13 5:27 79.62% More
    10k 33:53 5:27 79.79% More
  • Predictions

    Dist Time Per Mile WAVA
    1M 5:00 5:00 79.25
    5km 16:23 5:16 81.36
    5M 26:58 5:24 80.38
    10km 33:52 5:27 79.81
    10M 55:45 5:35 79.36
    Half 1:13:59 5:39 78.78
    20M 1:55:15 5:46 78.87
    Mara 2:32:56 5:50 79.31
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